Parents are arguing, I need a bank account, is my mother enough for that?
My father refuses to give the documents for it and generally he doesn't care about me
My father refuses to give the documents for it and generally he doesn't care about me
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If your parents have shared custody, both have to sign.
Only exception: you go to the family court and make an application there that can not be urgent but a few weeks to months. Especially since vacation time is now and therefore fewer local staff, with many urgent topics.
So if your mother has so far failed to apply for the sole custody of such behavior, you have to “behave” and wait.
Therefore, just try to go with the documents to him, that it is reasonable to clarify and otherwise you just have to let the family court clarify it.
If your parents have shared custody, this is difficult, see
at gsr, it takes both of the elders. If your father doesn’t give her what he doesn’t have to, then you’ve had bad luck. then your mother must sue his consent
No, your father must be there without the others.
Usually you need both signatures.
However, I have also experienced that banks have both eyes pressed and opened an account without the consent of the second parent.
Then you have the possibility to replace this missing signature with the help of the YES / family court.
Maybe “help” it to your father if you can tell him that you will contest your right in front of the family court – the costs for it would probably go to his expense.
You should settle with the bank.