Eltern wollen mich Zuhause festhalten?

Hey Community,

Ich hatte gerade Streit mit meinen Eltern weil ich mit meinem Freund zusammenziehen will, ich bin noch in der Ausbildung und mein Freund ist schon lange fertig. Wir haben einen Altersunterschied von 7 Jahren. Ich 21 und er 28.

Mein Freund weiß natürlich das ich in Ausbildung bin, ich hatte eine alte Ausbildung abgebrochen und dieses Jahr eine neue begonnen, d.h noch 3 Jahre Ausbildung.

Finanzen zum ausziehen haben wir auch alles schon geklärt und das wird auch super funktionieren.

Zuerst hat mein Vater gesagt er steht mir beim ausziehen nicht im Weg, heute aber haben mich meine Eltern angeschrien und gesagt ich bleibe noch 3 Jahre hier wohnen, ich mache mich abhängig von ihm, ich mache die Famile kaputt, er wäre es ja nicht wert. Meine Mutter droht mir damit meine Autoversicherung die ich bezahle auf mich umschreiben zu lassen das ich anstatt 45€ im Monat 200€ bezahle und vieles vieles mehr.

Ich hab geweint und ihnen klar gemacht das er es wert ist und gesagt das sie mir meine Beziehung dadurch kaputt mache wenn ich noch 3 Jahre meinen Freund nur am Wochenende sehe (weil während der Woche darf ich nicht zu ihm weil ich arbeiten gehen soll…)wir sind schon seit über 1 Jahr zusammen.

Ich bin so fertig…

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1 year ago

I can understand the worries of your parents and also your anger and despair.

In the end, you’re grown up and you can take off if you want.

For your parents, however, the compromise is: you’re moving out because you want to be independent. That’s why you have to be self-employed and finance yourself with everything. If you don’t want to finance yourself and aren’t ready to stay at home

A hard but fair compromise your parents are only worried about you

Ultimately, you are the one who decides to accept it or not

1 year ago
Reply to  lovelymiss

What are they doing?

1 year ago

I think your parents are mad because you’ve stopped your training.

1 year ago

Why the weekend?

Even if you live with your parents, you can always stay with your friend.

Since you have a car, you can drive back and forth between Him and your parents as you wish.

1 year ago

Then I’d go out anyway. My parents’ relationship was also better with their parents than they were pulled out. Both are more drawn out against the will of them and yet they love their parents.

You just have to keep telling your parents that you’ll find it a pity if you’d go so apart but that you’re just old enough to take off and it’s time now

1 year ago

Then I don’t understand the problem. You are full-year, they can’t hold you

1 year ago

What do you mean, “he wouldn’t be worth your parents”? This must be serious reasons for not accepting your friend. Some people already have a foreign background….or the profession?

With 21 J. you can do what you want, and if your parents get you that way, you should really look for the breadth.

1 year ago
Reply to  lovelymiss

The negative answer came because your parents first hoped it would be nix and 2 very likely have something against a foreign son.

1 year ago

You’re old enough. I wouldn’t let that happen to me! You have the right to go, don’t be emotionally blackmailed and free yourself from it…

My mother’s narcist and generally banged, I’ve pulled out with 16, whether she’s been fit or not. My friend was 5 years older, and she could not ban more legally.

But I think they think it’s just good, you’re still her child. Still, you have to go through. You’re an adult woman!! I’m 22 now and I’ve had a baby for three months, I’m married, that’s all I hadn’t happened to have been held home.

1 year ago
Reply to  lovelymiss

Who breaks off once again.

1 year ago

you’re grown up, meet your choices. However, your parents may also make their decisions and, if necessary, remove financial resources. In any case, you can rewrite the child’s money to you. Other means are highly likely not available to you as your parents are willing to provide you with accommodation. That you don’t want to use this is your beer. So your financial opportunities should be sufficient with training grade + child allowance to take off.

1 year ago


the behavior of your parents is really not at all! You are an adult person and can decide for yourself.Greatly I can’t help you here.

1 year ago
Reply to  lovelymiss

If he does, they’ll send him away and call the police at best. Why would your father do that?

Is your friend alien from a country where women have no rights?

If that’s the case, you really shouldn’t go with your friend. Because these stories always go very wrong from experience. Then you better wait until your training is completed.

1 year ago
Reply to  lovelymiss

You are old enough and if your friend and you have clarified everything, your parents cannot interfere even if your father knows where your friend lives

1 year ago

From experience everything..

1 year ago

How many answers do you still need on this matter?

If you’re really 21 years old, your friend agrees and the finances are also cleared, why don’t you finally move out?

Another question: 14 days ago you were 17 years old. How come you’re 21 years old now?

1 year ago
Reply to  lovelymiss

Oh. So the girlfriend has the same problems with her parents and her boyfriend as you. What a coincidence!

But, yeah. Destroying your relationship, your parents will only create you if you allow it!

1 year ago

If they are calm, you can talk to them and if not the door is closed. It’s his apartment and only he decides who he lets in.

You are all year round and decide where you want to stop. Your parents don’t have anything to say.

But if you’re 17 then your friend can get an ad,

1 year ago

Please grow up, you’re 21 years old!

Your parents can advise you if you want to hear their opinion, not anymore.