Eltern wollen kein snapchat erlauben wegen den Flammen?
Ich bin 13 und würde gerne snapchat haben,einfach wegen den lustigen Filtern und weil die meisten Freunde von mir komischerweise kein WhatsApp haben,aber dafür snapchat 🤨. Naja.meine Eltern erlauben mir aber kein snapchat wegen den Flammen die ein verführen! Das kann ich ja verstehen! Aber ich will diese Dings Flammen gar nd machen da ich kein Bock dazu habe!! Aber sie glauben mir nicht 🙁
Wisst ihr wie ich es meinen Eltern erklären kann,denn wenn es die Flammen nd geben würde,würden sie mkr auch snapchat erlauben.
Snapchat is from 13 . You are 13 so you have the right to use it anyway. Just don’t listen to it and just download it.
Unfortunately I can download it nd. Because I’m always so stupid
Seriously, snapchat is the biggest one. Apart from that, if you’re older, you’ll realize that your parents just want protection for you. I’m 15 and I’ve already noticed my mother is chilly, but he used to have such locks. Either talk or leave
Well, honestly, I think the opinion of your parents is very reasonable. SnapChat is a sin, and I would strongly advise you. All the SnapChat have to the girls, have become through the app “Bitchiger” even if they said at the beginning that they wouldn’t be and that just want because of the filters etc. Just like Insta or TikTok this is all mixed up nobody needs and if it doesn’t go without TikTok then take YouTube shorts to use more and it’s defenitive better. If you ever find a friend or so if you don’t have one yet I give you a tip: Delete the 3 apps mentioned as good as 99% of all guys hate these 3 apps (TikTok not now)
PS: Only my opinion
Boah just true old, snap is felt for me the app (that’s going to be very cocky right now) on which I hit when I bock on bots have sent me nudes and people have to write me if I want “Streaks”…
Even without religious reasons, Snapchat is waste of time and waste.
Jap definitely
Well, I’m not a snapchat professional. I still know your parents.
In the end, old people are looking for a strange comparison to explain the new technologies for them easily. Since your parents are very appreciably not really familiar with Sascha comparison the flames simply with something else in the RL or with features in apps they know. You have to make sure that the flames don’t change the app.
In addition, you should not try to put the attention fully on Snapchat, but bring something else to think about.
Besides, you should come over and do as you know what you’re talking about.
The above-described works at least with my parents. I don’t know if they do. As I said, the net:)
Tell her it’s 13 and you’re 13 and so on, but Snap is the biggest dirt:D