Eltern von Jungfräulichkeit überzeugen (Muslimin/Islam)?

Hallo Leute.

Ich habe in der Schule gelernt, dass mein Jungfernhäutchen nicht beweist, dass ich Jungfrau bin.

Meine Eltern sind streng traditionell und glauben das nicht. Meine Mutter untersucht immer am Wochenende mit einem Spiegel und einer Taschenlampe, ob mein Jungfernhäutchen noch intakt ist.

Wie kann ich sie davon überzeugen, dass sie nicht in meine Vagina zu schauen braucht? Weil ich ja gerne Jungfrau bin und sie sowieso nicht verlässlich prüfen kann?

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3 months ago

With a mirror and a flashlight? I don’t understand.

So or so, yes, you can’t see if someone is a virgin or not and that’s not okay what your mother does (if it should be that)

3 months ago
Reply to  RukiyeHidschab

I think abuse doesn’t matter what the reason is.

3 months ago

The IST is an immoral touch!

Every touch against the will is that!

3 months ago

She is protected from immoral contact by her virginity tests. It’s certainly not abuse.

3 months ago

After reading and reviewing your answers to posts here, I see at least the initial presupposition of sexual abuse of commanded and sexual abuse and no, the religion does not protect against it! Means for you now: Display is definitely asked, your mother will be able to ask very unpleasant questions and you can assume that this will also have consequences for the family.

No matter what motive, such things are not punished for nothing, and thanks to God, they are punished strictly!

Either, you put it in your hands and make it unambiguously clear to her that in Germany something like this can end up with prison for her and she has to stop it or you’re turning to a trust teacher, the youth office or directly the police, who will help you stop this drive.

As others have already written: it may be “normal and criminal” in Syria, Lebanon, Iran/Iraq or elsewhere in the Middle East, here in Europe this is what it does a crime and that is good!

3 months ago

I think you should respect your culture and tradition.

I have a lot to do with Muslims from Syria. And for them it is a matter of pride and honor that their virginity is confirmed.

Just before the wedding, the virginity test is important and holy.

If the traditional test of your family gives a good feeling, you should consider whether there are really good reasons for rejection. Or if you just want to be a little rebellious, which is actually completely unnecessary.

2 months ago
Reply to  ErwinDEDE

The FS is not rebellious. She knows that the investigation is unnecessary and is opposed.

1 month ago
Reply to  ErwinDEDE

Wow, you lightning, and if there’s none at all? This can tear from simple things, or from the very beginning not be there, then it will be absolutely innocent fired market, that is disgusting!

3 months ago

With all due respect for the religion and tradition of your parents – you should have a conversation with them/her, in which you make it clear to her that you do not find it right, completely independent of your sex life, that she “controlled” your intimate area. Even if you don’t, you should show her that you understand that she does and why she does. This justifies (I suppose) but not that it plays God and controls your faithfulness of religion. There is no legal reason that she controls his sexual life, that she assesses your intimate area or indirectly imposes a religion on you. This makes them criminal and bears witness to lack of integration, so that they themselves spread the wrong values.

3 months ago

Other countries other customs and now also from other countries in our country strange Un-Sitten… Oh, oh! This is really embarrassing if you have to look in from the mother there “every week!”. And if she looks in there, it doesn’t necessarily prove trust in you. Then you put yourself in front of the father and get a load out of the son every day, and when too little comes he says, “Son tells me where is the charge, who have you been in trouble with it?” … sounds more and more like a fake for me…

Well, maybe you can modernize the thing a bit of the new time. There are such endoscope cameras, e.g. Lightswim TENG-W400-TWO. Only €16.99 on Amazon, which can be connected to the tablet or mobile phone (the ones to look at vehicles in difficult to see voids) which have an LED light in it and there it can also go a bit deeper and see if there is still a sperm charge in the hidden………

3 months ago

She can’t do that according to German laws. This is a massive intervention in your sexual self-determination and in your intimate sphere.

You don’t have to convince them that she doesn’t have to look into your vagina, but rather inform them about the fact that she won’t do that now, unless she doesn’t want you to make an ad against her.

3 months ago
Reply to  daedag

Since she’s not full-year, her parents can see if she had sex. So she’ll stay chased. My sister is also tested and is very happy about it.

1 month ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

Now just imagine it tears from simple activities, or would not be present from birth, then? Your sister would be stamped innocently, that’s just disgusting and cruel! Brothers should protect their sisters and if someone has to look after them, please don’t ask the parents, that is morally absolutely misjudgable and, by the way, not compatible with the laws in DE.

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

In Germany, another law applies.

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

Perhaps this is the case in Syria, Turkey or Iran. Not in Germany.

3 months ago

I’m very sorry that you’re in this fate. The only thing that could protect you is that you’re physically fighting or going to the youth office. As soon as you’re 18.

3 months ago
Reply to  zebra997

Since she’s not full-year, her parents can see if she had sex. So she’ll stay chased. My sister is also tested and is very happy about it.

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

And how is it controlled if she didn’t even have anal traffic, so she had sex with her bachelors? These controls are “Steinzeit-Islam”, characterized by mistrust of parents ggb to their own children and also absolutely anti-wife!

3 months ago
Reply to  RukiyeHidschab

How about the endoscope camera? What I wrote doesn’t always have to get at least your mother down there. Maybe the movies and pictures even have a date stamp.

3 months ago

Krass. As a teenager of my cousin, I’ve always put on the Po. But Analsex would never have come to my mind. That’s un-Islamic.

3 months ago


Here in Germany fills the JuSchG and the GG! This is a massive violation of own self-determination.


Freedom of religion and any traditional values do not violate this law.


And that can help you if you don’t want to apply it

You have to tell Klipp that you have these rights here in Dtl., but you don’t want to stay virgin and you have to trust in the end.

3 months ago

I’d go to the police. This is abuse.

3 months ago

oh man, if I read something like that

I wouldn’t let such investigations happen. It’s all bullshit. What happens when your hymen tears like that? This can happen without sex.

1 month ago
Reply to  RukiyeHidschab

This can happen with all sorts of things. It’s unbelievable that this bike myth is still so stubborn.

3 months ago
Reply to  sarahmadlen

How would my family know that my sister and my cousins are immaculate?

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

just say goodbye to this obsolete view. You don’t care if she had sex or not. You guys don’t care about it, on the contrary

2 months ago

Can you rub a blanket between the legs by rubbing a blanket?

3 months ago

I think the parents are still alive in the Middle Ages.

Such a test, no matter what tools, is total bullshit.

You can’t convince them, but forbid them. It’s your body.

And tell them we live in Germany.

3 months ago

I respect tradition and belief, however, should make this a specialist doctor and not your mother..

However, it is your/her decision.

3 months ago
Reply to  HesslerITCon

Yeah, that’s a good idea. With my sister, the young lady is also examined medically. All of them are satisfied and above all they are.

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

I hope that such an unnecessary and insane investigation will not be funded by the health insurance fund and that it will pay all of it

2 months ago

Something like this is done under the hand or miscalculated.

3 months ago

That’s so out of hand, I can’t find any more words for that. Make your mother a real announcement and never let it go with you again! I’d threaten you with the police, honestly!

Even women who have been born still have their bachelor skins as if never had been anything. It would be fun if that were your mother. Maybe you’re not her kid, you could ask her.

I find these tactics, girls and young women impracticable, immoral and degrading.

3 months ago
Reply to  critter

It’s not about pricking. For example, my sister’s young lady’s skin is repeatedly medically tested. So that they or any guys don’t touch their vagina inconsistently. So it’s about protection.

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

It would have been good if you had read my whole answer. Then your comment would have been unnecessary.

“It’s about protection.” What do you want to protect women from? They can take care of themselves as regards sexuality and do not need men to impose their will. Besides, what are these doctors who decide whether or not a woman could be a virgin? But the answer is already in my answer.

3 months ago

Help, but this is really medieval, in how many centuries your mother intends to arrive in the current Germany?

3 months ago

That’s not Islamic. She can’t even see your Awrah.

3 months ago

and you like that? Melt yourself at the youth office, what your mother has done is sexual foolishness!

3 months ago

Don’t let you know that virginity cannot be tested.

And be proud that you are a confirmed virgin, alhamdulillah.

However, you can suggest to your mother that in future an Islamic and trustworthy female doctor should examine your bachelor’s skin. This is more professional and you will feel more relaxed.

The virginity of my sister is usually also examined medically and we are very happy with it.

May Allah strengthen your chastity and virtue.

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

And the boys are allowed wild in the area….😖

3 months ago
Reply to  Boysfriend

Boys aren’t stained at sex, girl. Therefore, God has given women the privilege of being under the protection of the family and having a natural seal.

3 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

How is it tested by the guys if they are still ” virginally “… Such a disgusting double moral.

3 months ago
Reply to  HONEY596

Boys aren’t stained at sex, girl. Therefore, God has given women the privilege of being under the protection of the family and having a natural seal.

2 months ago
Reply to  HamzaYusuf

However, you can suggest to your mother that in future an Islamic and trustworthy female doctor should examine your bachelor’s skin.

This is even worse!!! So a strange man is supposed to check the virginity?

1 month ago

A natural seal, omg that’s the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard. What about all those who are born without a young lady? Are you going to the slaughterhouse?

3 months ago

With juvenile skins sealed 🤦 In biology lessons should not be taken care of. I’m not buying Nutella at all. End of discussion.

3 months ago

The special holiness of female chastity is something wonderful. My sister, for example, is proud to be a confirmed virgin. No double morals.

Every family has the right to a pure daughter-in-law. Why else did God seal virgins with virgins? You don’t buy a nutella glass without a golden foil.

3 months ago

Natural seal…..Jungs are not stained…Precise, disgusting double moral and nothing else.

3 months ago

What a bullshit!

3 months ago

You with your Fake account