Eltern überzeugen bei Konfirmationswunsch?
Ich wünsche mir schon seit mindestens 4 Jahren Borussia Dortmund Tickets für ein Fußballspiel von der Mannschaft. Ich hab mir sogar schon ein Trickot gekauft. Aber immer wenn ich es mir zu Weihnachten/ Geburtstag wünsche, sagen meine Eltern: ,,Der BVB läuft nicht weg, Du kannst dort auch noch in 5 Jahren hingehen und außerdem ist das viel zu teuer und einer muss mit dir dorthin fahren.”
Das sagen schon seit 4 Jahren und immer, wenn ich anbiete meine Karte alleine zu bezahlen, sagen sie : ,,Das Geld brauchst du noch, später. Spar es!” Ich werde aber in 3 Monaten konformiert und wünsche mir die Tickets ganz doll. Aber mein Vater sagt: ,,Du bekommst nur etwas, was länger anhält, ein BVB Spiel ist nur rausgeschmissenes Geld.”
Wie kann ich tun um sie zu überzeugen mir die BVB Karten zu schenken?
You don’t want a ticket. There are also the arrival, the accommodation, the catering and probably two days of your father or your mother. Total cost: around €500.
Depending on how the financial situation is with you, it is a lot of money, but also time.
My suggestion: you take newspapers or earn a part of the cost in another way, a part of the cost is taken from the confiscation. Listen to the family if there are Borussia fans. Maybe an uncle would go with you? Or you’ll go if your parents are on holiday anyway.
You need to actively propose solutions and not just ask. “Welcome!” does not seem as good as well thought-out proposals.
Good luck!
You can wish that, but the games are often sold out. For cards you need connections, or it must be an unimportant opponent in the cold winter.
First the members get their cards, only after that the rest goes into free sale.
Look at the page bvb.de. There you can see when tickets are offered and what they cost.
Remember, you need 2 cards (or you want to go alone) and a ride. Even though you come with the Öffis, which costs money again.
Your wish is quite expensive. This will be a reason why the parents hesitate.
Yes, yes, but I’ve wished that for 4 years
You need a little miracle.
We made it through a fan club. He could get tickets and we drove with a complete fan bus. This was an extra-beautiful experience, especially since the game was even in Dortmund.
Look if you have a BVB fan club. That would be a step in the right direction. You’re not coming to cards alone. No matter how stupid you wish.
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Oh, I looked right over football trips and there are still some.
But there is, I think, even a fan club.
I just looked, there were no cards for non-members again. My husband has even applied for membership. We’ve been waiting for this for months and it costs regular money.
Seriously. Try a fan club.
Because if I go to the ticket shop, you can already buy tickets. And not as a member.
Can’t you want the money from someone else? Maybe your two grandmas can put together, everyone pays half. And maybe someone can come from the Fsmilie if your parents don’t want, your aunt, your uncle, etc.
Good idea
You’re too young for it,if you’re first confirmed,500 euros would actually be out of business if you want a hotel overnight.
Not at all. The more you quengelt the more stubborn parents become.