Eltern überwachen Standort von Kindern-Was sagt ihr dazu?

Hallo ,

Ich würde gerne wissen wie ihr das seht. Was denkt ihr? Ist es okay wenn Eltern den Standort ihrer Kinder (14-18 also eigentlich schon Teens) überwachen? Und ab wann geht das zu weit? Was ist der Faktor der zum Überwachen verleitet? Schädigt dieses Überwachen das Eltern-Kind Verhältnis? Wie lässt es den “Überwachten” fühlen?

Danke schonmal im Vorraus,


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1 year ago

… it hurts the children. People who know that they are being monitored usually behave differently and when children grow up in consciousness that there is someone who strictly always knows where they are staying, bringing them to what confidence and self-employment means.

Children must be free and be allowed to move outside without the supervision of parents. I could imagine that they would tend to make fools if they knew they would not be monitored now.

And when is that going too far?

In my opinion, from the moment the surveillance begins.

Previously, there was no all this shit – people have grown thousands of years without this surveillance or have raised their children without surveillance. If something happens to them, something happens to them – whether with or without tracking. Therefore, the reason for “increased security”, which is often used by prospective or adult helicopters, is for me only a lazy excuse for the true reason of surveillance: control because the parents are not able to trust their children and/or because they are permanently worried to an excessively abnormal extent.

Only I find it unfair if the child is taken from his freedom. Better should such parents learn to deal with their problems rationally and to deal with them.

1 year ago

I find it creepy with what methods children are being monitored nowadays. They already wear smartwatches as small children, where parents can view the location and fitness data.

If the children get their own phone, it is monitored and controllable by zig programs and possibilities. The parents get for every walked meter, every visit, notifications where the offspring is what he writes and searches on the phone and what else it does with the phone. The children are usually more strictly supervised, like heavy criminals with an armchair.

The kids can’t make a step out of the house without being monitored via the smartwatch, the mobile phone or GPS tracker in the jumps. I don’t know if the kids feel safe.

1 year ago

I absolutely don’t think anything about all these super-essential “hero-copters”, “horse mowers” or “snow-flight parents” because it also has an extremely negative effect on the development of the child!

1 year ago

I find that absolutely bad I am 18 and my friend 17 and she is also completely monitored by her parents. And she’s completely mentally broken and hates her parents only. because she can’t get out with friends or with me. And there is absolutely no reason why there has never been anything that has happened, they are just paranoids because they have only made bullshit in their youth. I’m sure she wouldn’t have done anything to me. Because she can’t talk to them because everything is wrong, what she says. So no Trust your children or not but monitoring is wrong!

1 year ago

It’s starting to happen that 14-year-olds are no more children, but young people. And no, at this age, such surveillance measures are completely indiscussible from my point of view.

This is the phase in which one begins to encapsulate oneself slowly from the parents, and it would be a serious restriction of personal freedom and a massive burden for the young, if the parents always know exactly where one is and what one is doing.

In the case of smaller children who are just starting to leave the house without being accompanied, you might be able to do this for a while, but not for young people.

1 year ago

I don’t think that’s good. You want to impart self-employment and independence to your youngster. It is absolutely counterproductive to constantly monitor them.

1 year ago

I find that really stupid because my parents have made this with me too often where I was smaller they have not trusted me where I was thinking I am with my girlfriend somewhere in another city or so because we have often fucked up and my parents have forbid me because always the police has come and have brought me home and they have not trusted me now and they have always controlled me but now they do not love it anymore because now I have grown up

1 year ago

I’m Mom and I wouldn’t do that.

Early at my childhood, the parents never knew where we were, it was just to be at home for dinner,

I think that’s control. You should trust the chasers

1 year ago

… I think it is an intervention in the privacy of the affected children that goes too far.

In addition, I find this form of control of mutual trust between parents and children.

For me it is absolutely impossible to understand how to consider it or even implement it in the worst case.

From the point of view of a young person (who I am not anymore) and from that of an adult (who does not have children) I would generally refuse to monitor.

1 year ago

My friend has this with her parents. It’s just annoying because you can by limiting little business.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerDeutsche568

My girlfriend has that too, it’s so exhausting as she has to talk out every time so we can see each other. The parents are so funny to her that she is not allowed to meet her best friend because she has red teeth and that is a social and she is guaranteed to take drugs. Wtf What’s wrong with some people? And above all, they destroy their own child!

1 year ago

No, up to 15 years, you can ask in my eyes to receive a short SMS or call from the child regularly, whether it’s okay. But lasting monitoring of the location as well as all messages on the smartphone does not find great.

1 year ago
Reply to  Narrativium

Even this is almost limit value in my eyes. Especially in rural areas.

At my time when I was in primary school, it was still called “But Vesper is home” and then it was. From 12/13 it was then called between 10:00 – midnight and from 15 years old it was no matter when I came home.

1 year ago

Okay in rural areas this may seem different, in the city you are more concerned as a parent, as well as some parents are stricter and some are relatively careless.

But such a monitoring as some parents do, I find it really bad, not only the location is monitored, but also any messages, images, message services on the smartphone, just everything that the child drives on the smartphone and what is possibly embarrassing him.

1 year ago

Many parents would find that great…

But that it only destroys the phyche of the youth is “just” one next to effect!

Just like that doesn’t even work when you turn on flight mode. xD

1 year ago

Again and again I listen to discussions that act from spying on the smartphone:

“I have nothing to hide”

That’s why I’m fine with the planned surveillance.

If you don’t want to be monitored, turn off your smartphone/phone. Right out. If that doesn’t work, wrap it into aluminum foil.

1 year ago

I find this harming the parent-child relationship, especially since it is not children. But to a good relationship, just trust and break parents do not have to wonder if their children are no longer talking to them about problems or other things.

Of course, you can occasionally ask where the child stops and if everything is okay, but as soon as you place the smartphone it crosses one limit.

1 year ago

You should trust your children and teach them independence. They’re supposed to be ompetent.

And for the emergency there are now other options than permanent surveillance (so you don’t know that the child is in GEfahr). For example, there are apps that send a warning to the parents’ phone with location when the child activates them independently.

10 months ago

Up to a certain age very good

1 year ago

do mine

1 year ago
Reply to  EmilyZoeeeee

I don’t care

1 year ago

I don’t think

1 year ago

How should children be independently monitored permanently