Eltern überreden reiten gehen zu dürfen?
Bin 13 Jahre
Mein Traum ist es reiten zu gehen
Schon seit 3 Jahren
Ich liebe Pferde
Auf meinem Geburtstag warn wir mal e8f einem Pferde Hof und sind nur kurz Pferde geritten. Wirklich nur kurz.
Das Gefühl war toll
Meine Eltern sagen nein
Meine Mama mag keine großen Tiere und überhaupt Fell von Tieren weil sie dann alles dreckig machen
Mein Papa sagt nichts dazu
Aber sie sagen auch das es teuer ist
Ich weiß es aber gibt es trotzdem eine Möglichkeit? 🙁
If you become 14, you could at least spend the money through newspapers, for example earn yourself.
However, you won’t really be able to do anything about it when your parents get across. Yes, riding is a dangerous hobby. One sits on an animal that does not actually think of riding from nature and is also a escape animal. If it’s tricked, it makes a sentence to the side or goes through, you can hardly hold it as a (unexperienced) rider, and if you can hold it or sit it, you leave the force after a while – even the professionals are doing so. Then you fall. The risk of something happening is very high.
You can’t do anything against animal hair. Your mom would have to jump over her own shadow if she wanted to allow you the hobby. This is perhaps still the most common point to which it is taking up – that it makes for you debris in its own needs.
You can even wear leaves from 13
Okay, I didn’t know. But the better for the FS, then it can start 😉
I guess you’ll have to wait until you grow up and earn money.
you can learn riding in any age.
In most cases, those who have to earn their hours themselves are much more ambitious and also learn faster because they have to earn everyone euro-meal.
if your mother is against it and your father adapts, you can’t do anything about it. it doesn’t bring anything to argue about it.
stay there and fill this dream yourself sometime.
depending on what your parents deserve, that can be true. Riding is a sauteur “Sport.” And, unfortunately, you’re still too young with 13 to take part in the costs by side activities.
That your mom doesn’t like big animals, etc., doesn’t matter, because she doesn’t have to learn to ride. Of course, that horses make dirt indirectly. However, my doctor’s daughter also rides and he’s allergic to horse hair. But she always walks in the hallway, so she doesn’t enter the real residential area, and that goes,
An argument draws perhaps – no guarantee.
I knew a girl who wanted to ride, but the parents didn’t want to because they were afraid. After all, a horse bites front, it kicks back and in the middle it buckles, 😉 The mother complained to me, and I told her, “Well, it may sound superb, but on average, your daughter in the stable meets so-called ” decent girls from decent parents’ houses”* and has less time to drive around on the dome plate. The Domplatte is a popular drug handling site for young people in Cologne.”
The mother allowed her daughter to ride.
That’s bullshit, but you don’t have to tell your mother.
and yes, riding is a dangerous sport, at least more dangerous than collecting stamps, so it is so important that you also learn riding in a good riding school.
Dat’s right, but cool, there’s someone else, besides me, who writes so long detailed articles. 👍
I hope there were some useful arguments. If the money is not enough, you can try it in a year with newspapers etc.
Good luck!!!!
Thank you very much. But I managed to make it 20 euro per week.
Oh, cool. Have fun in your riding life ✨✨✨ Cool that you talked to your parents!! 🍀🍀🍀
That’s right, riding is expensive and maybe your family doesn’t have the means.
You can try in a stable and you can ride for it.
with 13 rather not.
Maybe a nursing horse? There are no fixed age limits – it comes to the horse owners, your parents and you. Some are younger and already have a nursing horse.
But your parents seem to be walls.
You could visit a horse farm; some need someone to feed it, put it, etc. when they are on holiday . And someone can take you on a ride. Otherwise it’s really not cheap; there are also riding interests . You can also take a few riding lessons first.
We don’t have that.
So not near me
Shame ; then you can watch at most on the internet or make rider holidays .
Nonsense. The girl is 13 and can not carry out responsible activities on the horse for a long time, I own a horse and would like to thank if young people were to work in charge of my horse.
In order to be taken with a ride, you have to do something, otherwise it is too dangerous,
Horseback riding is only available if riding skills are already available.
There is plenty of experience for this.
Not all parents are prepared or economically able to finance their child such a hobby (e.g. a riding share + corresponding clothing + regular driving costs there).
Depends on where you live. In the middle of Munich, horse riding is naturally much more expensive than on a village in the Pampa of the northeast of Germany.