Eltern überreden länger draußen zu bleiben?
wie überrede ich meine Eltern lange draußen zu bleiben also meine Eltern lassen mich meist nur bis 20 Uhr raus aber heute würde ich gerne bis um 0 oder so raus weil ich bei einer Freundin übernachte und wir halt lange draußen bleiben wollen ihre Mutter ist eh voll chillig aber meine Eltern rufen sonst bei ihrer Mutter an und fragt ob ich wirklich bei ihr bin also raußschleichen kann ich auch nicht ich muss ihr auch immer meinen Standort schicken über WhatsApp also was soll ich machen (meine Eltern meinen ich darf nicht so lange raus weil es „gefährlich“ ist und weil sie immer Kontrolle über mich haben wollen)
For that, you should first know how old you are. Depending on your parents, it’s not necessarily safe at night. In this case, this does not have to be done with “control over you” but because they have the right of custody and, above all, the duty of care for you. In doubt, they are responsible if anything happens to you.
What time is it no longer safe?
You asked a nice catch question. 100% sure is never. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s potentially insecure at night than at daytime.
The parents and, if necessary, the Youth Protection Act decide.
What age should you be outside?
With 15 it’s completely all right to be home from 20.00 to 21.00. It was me too. At 16 it was 22.00. Every year it becomes longer because you become more mature and experienced. I survived it, too. With 17 can be up to midnight and with 18 open end. If you don’t want to stick to it, it shows that you’re not mature enough and your parents are right with the restrictions.
It’s interesting to know how old you are. There’s such a thing, that’s called “obligatory”. This has nothing to do with your parents not being “chilled”.
It would look different if you were 18+.
“Leider” can determine your parents quite freely. Their concerns are not completely unjust.
Without knowing your parents, we can’t help you.