Eltern überreden für den A1 Motorradführerschein?
Ich möchte den A1 führerschein machen aber eltern wollen es nicht.
Habt ihr gute argumente dass sie es eher erlauben `?
Danke im Vorraus 🙂
Ich möchte den A1 führerschein machen aber eltern wollen es nicht.
Habt ihr gute argumente dass sie es eher erlauben `?
Danke im Vorraus 🙂
Hey, ich mach grad meinen Führerschein und ich wollte fragen, ob ihr euren Führerschein selber gezahlt habt oder eure Eltern den bezahlt haben (oder zahlen). Die Frage geht hauptsächlich an Personen unter 18 oder die noch bei den Eltern wohnen 🙂 Ich freue mich schon auf Antworten!
Hey Leute ich will mit meiner neuen Yamaha yzf r125 von heilbronn-Karlsruhe fahren ungefähr 100km. Zu meiner freundin halt. Geht das einfach muss ich iwas machen oder kann ich eif drauf und los fahren?
Heyy, ich möchte mir ein Motorrad anschaffen und ich habe mich Schock-verliebt in die Yamaha XSR 125. Das Problem ist, die Sitzhöhe beträgt 81 cm und ich bin ziemlich klein mit meinen 160 cm(ideale Sitzhöhe: 72 cm). Gibt es Möglichkeiten, die Sitzhöhe zu verringern oder so oder muss ich meinen Traum in die Tonne werfen?…
Wie oben schon gesagt suche ich ein a2 Bike das Problem ist aber noch das ich 2 Meter bin deswegen bräuchte ich eins wo ich nicht aussehen wie ein Riese auf einem Mini bike supersportler
Hallo, ich hatte vor paar Tagen einen Verkehrsunfall und zwar ich stand an der Ampel hinter ein Auto da ich irgendwie dachte das die Ampel grün war habe ich gedacht das das Auto vor mir losfahren würde also habe ich auf Gas gedrückt und bin hinten reingefahren Stoßstange natürlich Kratzer und sehr leicht ab bei…
Wie viele verschiedene Führerschein Prüfungsstrecken gibt es in Wuppertal ungefähr?
Hello Marius,
Why don’t they want it?
Fear, money and other reasons can be possible.
Parents with worries and fears can not be overlooked and only in the rarest cases convince with really good arguments.
And if the money is not available for this really expensive fun, then it is simply not and cannot be changed.
The A1 and a 125’s “reward” are always only if you want to do the A2 class later and drive the right motorcycle.
Best regards
Money is certainly not the problem and later I want a “big motorcycle”
Then, of course, you can try to argue that you can gain early experience in road traffic on a not so fast two-wheeler.
Of course, I can’t promise you that your parents are doing this.
Welcome to Michael
It’s worth it before. You can do the A1 with 16 and if you do it and then with 18 the B you no longer have a sample time in the car.
And what does it have to do with “pay”?
You have to do this or something.
But only to make the A1 and with 18 not the A2 is just out-shot money.
Then of course the A1 and the 125 have “paid”.
You’re an exception.
Welcome to Michael
I did the A1 with 16 too, with 18 B and C (so that I can drive my parents’ caravan too) and only with 25 A.
So I skipped the A2. For me, the A1 was definitely worth it, as I drove my 125s for nine years – I would certainly not have done that with such a 45 km/h scooter.
The same problem is faced with the truck: The 7.5 t C1 does not make any sense and is as expensive as C (40 t without trailer). With class C, however, it is also possible to drive large agricultural machines, such as combine harvesters, with the small truck driver’s license.
I can’t understand why you’re on the ride experience.
Everyone’s a beginner, no matter if it’s 16 or 18 years old.
The experience on a two-wheeler from 16 is also only of advantage for this if you want to continue driving motorcycles later.
Otherwise, the opposite is the case. It would even be totally insane to recommend to someone who wants to drive only later because of the experience, to make the A1 extra, to buy a 125s and to spend a lot of money.
Welcome to Michael
This is clear, but it is worth it in the way that you can already gain early experience.
But it pays off financial perspective not – I meant that.
The A2 can also be combined with Class B with 18 if you do not have the A1.
As already said, one can already make the A1 with 16 and gain experience. That’s what I meant. And then you can make the A2 and B together with 18.
Tell your parents you can now gather on a lighter motorcycle experience, have your trial time gone when you drive car and your best friend xy also makes the driving license.
Otherwise you make the motorcycle license with 18 and start with a much faster machine, so your mother has to worry more about you 😂
I made A1 with 16 too, I can only recommend. Much better than the 45 km/h lawn mowers.
Say as soon as you’re 18 you can decide that yourself and whether you do the jz or if you’re 18 doesn’t make any difference
Oh, it does
And above all, you do not do the A1 at 18;-)
But then he could ask his parents what would be better : A motorcycle now can drive what max 120 can drive and he collects experience or drive directly with 18 ne larger machine without experience