Eltern streiten, wie reagieren?

Hey 👋

die Frage dreht sich um das oben genannte. Meine Eltern haben sich heute das erste mal richtig gestritten! Sie haben sich angeschrien, sind dann wütend auseinander gegangen und jetzt reden sie kaum miteinander und zwischen ihnen liegt so eine bedrohliche Spannung.
Ich weiß halt nicht wie ich reagieren soll! Sie haben sich nie gestritten! Klar, Meinungsverschiedenheiten gab es, aber nicht in dieser Art!

Soll ich da was machen? Oder könnte ich da irgendwie helfen? Wird sich das wieder einkriegen?

Ich will wirklich nur ernste Antworten…

das macht mich wirklich fertig und ich habe auch Angst, deshalb geht bitte nicht fies damit um.
Danke im Vorraus


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2 years ago

When I and my husband have scraped us, our youngest son has eaten us all together and very strictly said: “So, now speak wisely, I will be there.”

We were shocked. It has become so embarrassing to us that we have acted unreasonably and that our child is now more adult than we are both.

That was the last time we fought. It was almost 20 years ago.

I don’t know if this is possible in your situation, every family is different!

I wish you and your parents all the best!

2 years ago

Go cover a little bit until the minds calm down. Dispute is nothing bad, even if it first works like that. Sometimes these tensions take a few days. Perhaps the opportunity arises once that you ask a parent or both gently independently. Don’t worry.

2 years ago

Children tend to help but this is not your responsibility. If you’re afraid, talk to her. But they’ve got to take it out. Whatever it is.

2 years ago
Reply to  AliyahChiara15

Don’t worry. They’ll get it. You don’t need “parents” to settle for them because they’re grown up enough. You don’t just throw away a long-term relationship because of this. Give them time.

2 years ago

Yes, it happens that you don’t try to take that to heart.

It is best not to interfere, they are both old enough to solve their problems themselves.

It’ll be okay.

I’d go for a walk if they fight, so you don’t get it with .because you can’t help anyway.

2 years ago

Hey, you, I can absolutely understand if you can only watch the parents fight. But you can’t really do much. That’s one thing between the two, if you’re still in the middle of it, it can go back. They’ll probably get back in there, don’t worry about it. Happy 💐

1 year ago

For you certainly a very unsightly situation, I don’t think it’s good for parents to fight before their children. But it’s normal that you have conflicts, everyone certainly had a fight with the best friend

2 years ago

Don’t worry about it.