Eltern sind gegen mein Feuerwerk?
Meine Eltern sind gegen Feuerwerk und es gibt fast jedes Jahr deswegen doofe Kommentare.
Sowas wie : “Schiess dein Geld in die Luft”
Oder ironisch : ” toll gemacht”
Und dieses Jahr kam wieder diese nervigen Anspielungen.
Es ist ja mein Geld und Silvester ist für mich das Highlight ich gehe nicht in Clubs hab keine teuren Hobbys und will nur ein mal im Jahr Spaß haben mit meinem Geld ich liebe den Sound und das Spektakel.
Sie müssen mein Hobby nicht teilen aber diese Bemerkungen PLUS ihre schlechte Laune an Neujahr nerven mich extrem.
Warum muss man den Spaß anderer verderben immer wieder wenn man weiß dass es mein Hobby ist und ich ihnen sag sie müssen nicht an silvester mitmachen??
Maybe it’s the amount you spend on it.
I can understand that you are happy about it. With light and knall effects to say goodbye the year and start a new one, some are a way to let go of old and start a new beginning and that can motivate to connect with a ritual.
However, the good intentions are usually quickly distorted.
For me personally, however, it’s really too bad to make so much money. Nevertheless, I am right to you that there are also other hobbies in which it is totally superfluous, for example autotuning. People buy things to feel inner satisfaction and happiness.
Our society has changed in terms of things, I think. 15 or 25 years ago, more people enjoyed it, I think. What’s that about? Because today everyone is only exploited and you look more at the money. In addition, the other countless points listed in the other answers also come.
My tip would be for you to check if it really makes sense if you spend so much. Less is sometimes more.
There are also pyronals that you could look at, or if you make your hobby a profession – pyrotechnics. Then you don’t spend money on it, but you deserve it with a hobby.
Even if one does not “enjoy” one will not only be disturbed by the 180 million euros, which are pulverized to New Year’s Eve alone in Germany, but also endangered:
The highest health-damaging fine dust pollution in the year – annoying noise (sometimes all day) and stressful light effects for humans, domestic, utility and wild animals – fires and injuries – garbage mountains in the streets, gardens and the free nature – exploitation, dead and injured in the production of fireworks factories…
Happy for you!
they will eventually understand I have built 2 years myself and then they have allowed me because legal fireworks are not so dangerous
and because of the money they have to understand that it is your money and it gives you more pleasure than it is for zb games and also you will not spend 300€
otherwise go shopping with friends or buy what from idk
They’ll ruin your fun and you decide to celebrate with them…. Don’t change anything if it doesn’t fit you.
If it’s your money, you can put it in everything you want
I am also opposed to the majority.
You’re still allowed to blow your money into the air.
Yes but never heard that it is harmful once a year
What kind of “hobby”? Powder money, damage the environment, leave waste and scare animals? I’m with your parents.
Your parents are right. Take off when they bother you. Then there’s no booby money, huh?
As long as you clear all the dirt on the street yourself, you can bang your money as you want
Yes I also do these are batteries that will of course be released after cooling.
It’s your hobby to put your money in fireworks? Well…
And if you don’t like the parents’ views, can you take off?! Or are you under 18. You’ll have to listen to it for a while.
And they’re right… Sensually pulverizing money as “hobby” is already a little slanted.
Am 25 and there were also over 50 years old who bought the fireworks watched yesterday
So? This has nothing to do with the age, but with the attitude to the fireworks! For me, it’s also insane spending money to fuck around a bit.
But what do you do about your parents with 25? You pay the bullshit and don’t have to snoop with them. You just see it differently than you. Will hardly be the only difference between you. It is her good right to see it differently. If it’s annoying you how they think about it or how they say it, it’s your problem too! Maybe you’re a little sensitive? Just overhear it or react loosely.
I like my parents who have seen my bags while carrying up and I find 180€ not too much other buy for thousands of euros!
You try to hide your hobby