Eltern sind alt und unzurechnungsfähig mit pflegestufe?

Hallo zusammen

mein Vater ist seit fast 10 jahren auf den rohlstuhl. Er hatte einen schlaganfall. Meine Mutter (glauben wir) ist wahrscheinlich auch krank, möchte es aber nicht sagen. Sie ist sehr geheimnisvoll. Auf jeden Fall kriegen beide um die 1500-2000€ und es ist nach 3-4 Tagen komplett weg! Sie sind beide extrem spielsüchtig und die sehen nichts ein. Also unzurechnungsfähig, aber extrem. Meine Mutter ist auch als Betreuer eingetragen aber ich habe das Gefühl dass das ,,kein betreuen” ist bzw es ist die tatsache.

wie kann ich es begutachten lassen, damit ich alles ,,steuern” kann. Mit reden ergibt es kein sinn, weil die es bestreiten. Ich habe sie mehrfach auch erwischt in spielotheks. Die sitzen dann den ganzen Monat. Warten bis wieder Geld kommt und wieder ist es weg. Ich würde gern den Papierkram erledigen und das Geld. Weil die kümmern sich wirklich um gar nichts. Fokus ist nur spielothek. Die würden sogar ihr letztes geld ausgeben für spielothek, statt essen.

Vatee ist pflegebedürftig. Ich glaube pflegegrad 3? Läuft über AOK. Also die bekommen von Krankenkasse und vom Staat Geld.

bin über wirklich jede kleinigkeit dankbar.

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1 year ago

You can submit a suggestion or request to the care court. Then it is checked whether a care is necessary. If this is the case, then it is not sure if you will.

Is there a care service for your father? So, for example, diaconia or another organization?

1 year ago

Everyone has the right to custody and social benefits may be used at their own discretion. . Game addiction is a disease – but no starting point for the person to be declared incapable of business by a judge.


If it were my parents – I would begin with conviction work. Maybe they’ll leave you the bureaucracy, for example. Make order, formulate applications and let them sign.

If your mother is overwhelmed with care or neglected your father – you can check this through the medical service of the health insurance company. The nursing allowance – is your father, he can leave it to your mother or to you or to a nursing service.

If the parents are actually playful – my first attention on the rental payment would be. Let the account statements show you.

After your profile you haven’t got your own life yet – maybe you should start with it?

If you want to give up the care process now, I assume that this ends in a care ordered by the court. Perhaps this will also be the subject of residence?

1 year ago
Reply to  kabbes69

The nursing allowance – is your father, he can leave it to your mother or to you or to a nursing service.

This depends on the form of performance. That’s the only care money. With the performance or replacement performance, this may look different.

Nevertheless, the path is open to an agitation.

1 year ago

Game addiction is not equivalent to inappropriate. You have a right to make stupid decisions with your money.

There are supervisors for financial affairs, but for this the person does not have to be able to understand what finances are managing. Your parents seem to be able to. You know when the money is all, and stop spending it.

1 year ago
Reply to  palusa

In this case, it is probably also important whether and how care of the father is guaranteed.

1 year ago

Calling and explaining the situation at the care court

1 year ago
Reply to  KatnissEv80

Wanted to say that you shouldn’t insist that you get the care. This makes the impression of the court as if you want to disband your parents, which makes no good impression.
On the other hand, it might be quite good if you don’t have the care, then your parents can blame you less. And you have an emotional distance. “Influx” you can still take by working with the professional supervisor.

1 year ago

For the first time, advise the local authority or the county. This is their task.