Eltern nehmen Kokain!?

Ich kann nicht mehr ich habe heute rausbekommen das meine Eltern Kokain nehmen. Ich bin strikt gegen die Droge und werde und habe es auch nie genommen. Ich habe es aus Wut meinen Eltern auch direkt gesagt das sie es vor mir verheimlicht haben und das ich will das sie damit aufhören und das sie damit ihr Leben zerstören. Ich habe es ihnen ins Gesicht gesagt und selbst da zeigten sie keine richtige Überraschung weil sie dadurch so unempatisch wurden.Ich will das es meinen Eltern gut geht und nicht sowas. Es tut mir auf einer Seite leid auf der anderen bin ich einfach wütend das sie sowas machen und ich hoffe einfach nur das sie mich Ernstnehmen. Meine Eltern verleugnen das sie es nehmen aber ich habe jetzt genug Anzeichen gesehen und es wurde heute dann sehr klar das es so ist. Was soll ich als Nächstes machen?? Ich will nicht das sie trotzdem neues holen??!!!!!!

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Without concrete evidence that your parents take cocaine, you should not assume. Not only are there other drugs that look similar, there are also many causes for various behavioral disorders that have nothing to do with drugs. You can’t even judge it. And also not when you see a white powder. It’s not as easy as you might imagine.

There’s something to worry about. You may even be able to justify this in concrete terms without having to blame. Maybe try to communicate your parents’ concerns. It may be helpful: “We need to talk” – talks about drug use, https://drugscouts.de/help support/wir-muessen-reden-gespraeche-ueber-drogenkonsum

As a member of a person with (mutual) problematic substance use, you can also contact a consultancy and ask for advice there. This is completely confidential, does not involve any obligations and does not cost you anything. Look here: Consultancy & assistance related to substance consumption & addiction risks, https://mindzone.info/beratung/

Also here on the platform are consultants on the way to talk about this. Maybe look at or over.

Good luck!

5 months ago

Hello, breathe first.

How old are you? Do you have grandparents or older siblings with whom you can talk about things, Bzw where you can find help…. So you don’t have to go through this situation alone…

Then you could talk to your parents with the help (grandparents, siblings) and send them away….

You can, of course, contact the youth office immediately.

I find it very good that you want to do something about it

5 months ago

People consume alcohol, cannabis or nicotine. I don’t care as long as they control it.

Maybe you should accept it or talk calmly and constructively to your parents about it.

Beating someone out of the emotion herazs has never worked.

5 months ago

You won’t be able to do much about what your parents do if they don’t want to change anything. What you can do is clearly delimit you and keep to your conviction. These are adult people, not children. If they want to destroy, you can only accept it.

5 months ago

A sign is not proof. You still have to learn a lot, little Padawan.

Even if you find “substance” in the apartment, this is not proof that it is also consumed nasal or oral. For example, it can also be used in the case of sexual pleasure, since cocaine a moistened area of the skin is anaesthetized and thus the masculine limb is much more friction without coming to orgasm.

5 months ago

It’s none of your parents’ business. Take care of your own garbage. As long as they don’t beat you or abuse you emotionally, it’s none of your business.

5 months ago

Criminal complaint for illegal drug possessions.

5 months ago


5 months ago

this will lead to very difficult situations and consequences for family life, don’t you think?

5 months ago
Reply to  Philipp3141

That’s a side thing. The questioner is looking for an effective solution to the problem.

5 months ago

then the parents could just make it secret or put the child in the home or become violent or hate the daughter just to the living? In the end, the questioner is about having a normal family. This is then condemned to a high degree of probability to fail