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1 year ago

If you ask your parents and they agree to create such an account with this online bank. This is monitored so to speak and one does not need another. However, I recommend an account with a savings bank or Volksbank, as these online banks often have no real branches and the search for ATMs can be quite difficult.

1 year ago
Reply to  Charlie123630

Familiary reasons are of interest to the Sparkasse and from the family gets that except your parents and none of them, unless you tell anyone. There are also enough other banks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Charlie123630

Hmm, so I have an account with a Bank1Saar and I’m 13 on where you live. In your city, there are also other banks, just inform yourself! They are happy to help!

1 year ago

As written, contact your mother to the youth office.

1 year ago

This consent both Parents take all banks… also Rvolut.

Why not go the way to the Youth Office in such cases?

If there is still proactive contact with the paternal father, he can agree otherwise.

A clarification with the Youth Office, however, I would approach all the valleys unless you become 18 in the next months.

1 year ago

Why Revolut? This does not offer any advantage compared to the “classic” account with another bank such as the savings bank.