Eltern folgendes mitteilen oder nicht?


mich fasse mich kurz: Der Bruder meiner Oma hatte Geburtstag, ich als Enkel habe für sie das Geschenk hingebracht, weil meine Oma nicht mehr laufen kann. Dort angekommen haben wir uns nett unterhalten und der Bruder meiner Oma hat mir 150€ gegeben und meinte lächelnd, das braucht keiner zu wissen.
Meine Vermutung warum:

a) weil ich das Geschenk hingebracht habe.
b) weil meine Mutter, die Ärztin ist, ihm (also ihrem Onkel) oft Dinge erklärt oder auch ärztliche Dokumente ausdruckt, immer für Fragen offen ist.

Meine Frage: Soll ich es meiner Mutter sagen, denn habe nicht so viel verdient. Nur sie wird wahrscheinlich es zurückgeben wollen, was auch nicht im Sinne des Onkels ist.

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6 months ago

Just stop your heart or belly. I have the impression that you already know what decision is right.

6 months ago

Tell her. What can happen?

It could have various reasons: Older people are partially dement and give away high SUmmen money, also to unknown. Their children should know about this if this should be unpleasant. However, grandparents like to give their grandchildren money.

Your mother and you can do, for example, €100 on a savings account and you can buy for €50. Just suggest this to her. Also note that other grandchildren should get similar so that it remains fair.

6 months ago

Why should you question the well-intentional gesture of the uncle? He put it in your hand with a clear mind. With warm hands. He shouldn’t have done it. Sure you can talk to your mother about it, but if she had anything to do with it, she would question the uncle’s decision.

6 months ago

Nobody needs to know. Maybe he was worth more than you.

6 months ago

best you promise with the grandma

6 months ago

how he says no one needs to know

6 months ago
Reply to  cxward88

“keep it simple” sometimes solutions can be easy

4 months ago


6 months ago

yes do you mean

4 months ago

“kp” no plan