Eltern erwarten dass ich heirate und Kinder bekomme?
Hey, ich bin männlich, 28 Jahre alt und meine Eltern nerven mich ständig damit dass ich doch heiraten solle und Kinder machen soll weil das in der Kultur die Normalität sei.
Ich habe aber kein verlangen nach beidem.
Aber ich will meine Eltern nunmal nicht traurig machen. Was könnte ich antworten wenn sie mich das nächste mal fragen?
1. You shouldn’t marry anyway. Marriage is protected by state. That’s just fake! In the event of a later separation, it only brings disadvantages.
Two. Tell your parents they don’t have to give up grandchildren. Explain to them that the earth is already overpopulated. It doesn’t need more.
Be honest and tell them you don’t want this for you.
Sometime you have to learn to stand for yourself and draw a final line. You have to come to a point for yourself, where you no longer accept this constant question and tell them that the subject is over for you. – And then let it bounce on you.
On the one hand it is nice to find a partner and with this child, but a “generation guarantee” for older ones in the family is still not.
So, get to yourself, tell them what thing is for you (friendly of course, are finally your parents) – and then the thing is eaten for you.
If you are the only child of your parents, this is not your problem;)
You’ll probably have to make her sad, because apparently they can’t understand that you have another life plan for you. You must have said it to you many times, so what does it bring to repeat this. Tell you that you don’t want to hear about this generve, and if they don’t stop, you wouldn’t come to visit. Point.
It’s DEIN life and if you want small grandchildren, that won’t happen. You can try as a babysitter or help other single women, as there is a lot of need.
Tell you that you can still do this in 10 years or later. For men there is not necessarily a limit, as for women.
You definitely don’t want it NOW yet.
If you can imagine it later, you’ll see.
So my opinion is all that you don’t have to make it is the proper decision whether what changes you don’t know but if you know what you want to tja then it’s so ps am 17 don’t want any children and my friend also I mean the world is too full enough with people 🤷🏻 ♂️
I would tell them kindly and respectfully that you can understand their desire, but that is not the way of life you imagine for yourself and that they should respect it.
If she makes this sad, it’s a shame, but it’s your life, and it would be wrong if you marry against your own will or even put a child not wanted into the world.
If you don’t want children you have to accept that there’s nothing to discuss
It’s DEIN life.
Egel, as you ebtscheidest: either you or your parents will be unhappy or sad.
Should Next time your parents cut off the sorry theme, just stand up without comment and leave the room or the apartment without a grumbling.
Just be honest. It’s best. After all, this is your life, your way and your decision.
Clipp and clearly say no. That’s all. Your life, your choice. The sooner they learn this, the happier will be the more life for everyone involved.
It’s none of her business! Live your life as you want.
That you’ll marry if you want to know a suitable woman.
And until then, constant nerve does not help.
It’s my life, my decision.
If your parents do not respect your life goals or your way of living, make yourself down every time, etc., reduce contact and thus their influence on you.
It’s DEIN life, you should prioritise your happiness.