Eltern Drohen mich raus zu Werfen wegen Schwangerschaft?

Heyy ich bin Kimberlyrose bin 16 Jahre alt und wir haben Das Problem Das Meine Eltern mich Rausschmeißen wollen seit dem Sie Wissen das Ich Schwanger bin, habt ihr Tipps oder So Was ich Jetzt machen soll Oder so? LG Kimberlyrose

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1 year ago

So your friend cannot force you to keep the baby, yet I think you should pay attention to his feelings because that is/will also be his child!

Talk to your friend’s parents, you can move in with you, for don’t be angry with me, such parents don’t deserve themselves if they want to force you to drive the baby!

Otherwise you can talk to the grandparents about it, with aunts, uncles, your godfather etc.

Don’t let anything force you! It is DEIN body, and your life that changes abruptly, it becomes more strenuous, but the beautiful times outweigh when you let it

1 year ago

If you’re still in school, I guess you’re not. I do not know exactly when the parental care obligation exists in Germany, but I know from experience that the parental maintenance obligation runs until the end of the training, but a maximum of 25 years. Say, if you throw yourself out, they’re under arrest. You can contact the youth office and, in case of doubt, make an application for legal representation that you can submit to the local court to pay you a lawyer. In addition, you can then apply for Bafög, you should go to school and grant, etc. I had to take 18 and was still at the gymnasium to school. I never questioned the decision, but of course I had to find ways to end mine school. All in all I had about €1’100 a month.

1 year ago

I recommend you to Pregnant counselling to go. Here you can find out about:

  • Legal framework and financial opportunities
  • Support by youth assistance (e.g. mother-child institution)
  • Confidential birth
  • Adoption
  • Abortion
1 year ago

Yeah, so… Your friend forced you to pregnancy? Go to the pole! And that you don’t you have! You’re not his tool! Leave him, he didn’t deserve anyone! As for your parents and the rest, I’ll refer to the other answers…

1 year ago


I would go to the youth office in your place and tell them the case. There are mother child homes especially for moms in a location as with you. Just ask, as far as I know, your parents can’t determine whether you get your child or not. Because it’s your body.

1 year ago


If the child doesn’t, shoot off your guardian friend, take care of your training and in the future prevention, also with a new friend. Poppen goes also with rubber

1 year ago
Reply to  TheMonkfood

Cracks expressed but right!

1 year ago
Reply to  Goodnight

Always straight 😎

1 year ago
Reply to  TheMonkfood

shoot your guardian friend

But not literally?

1 year ago

Go to a pregnancies consultation, you can talk about all these topics.

If your parents stay with you, you really want to get the child, for example, you can go to a mother-child home where you can live with the baby together with other young people and get support.

But I also think it is possible that your parents only had a first shock reaction. They have to get used to the thoughts. Maybe in half a year the thing looks quite different.

1 year ago

It’s your own decision whether you want to keep the child or not. If your friend doesn’t accept this, I’d reconsider the relationship. And if you want to keep it, contact the youth office. Your parents can’t just throw you out. You are a minor

1 year ago

Turn to the youth office. Are there social workers at your school? You can also contact them.

Then please consult here:


Look there, please.

Your friend mustn’t force you to get the child if you don’t want it.

Good luck for you

1 year ago

Please go to the counseling and youth office immediately.

So you can get a place in a mother-child home if you want to keep the child.

If you don’t want the child, that’s your own choice.

Don’t let your friend force you to do something you don’t want.

Whoever tries to force you is certainly not a friend!

With an abortion, you get well understood if that is the mother’s wish.

As a mother of three long-grown children, I cannot understand the reaction of your parents. Even confessed experienced women can happen that they become unintentionally pregnant once.

For an abortion you still have enough time, nevertheless, make it as soon as possible when you meet this decision.

I wish you all the best and hope for you that you can come to a friend or in a group of homes, at least until you have come to rest.

1 year ago


It’s your decision whether you want to get the child or not. Your friend can express his wish, but you decide.

Make sure to arrange a consultancy appointment for example at Pro Familia.

Kind regards


1 year ago

You should go to the help of the youth and have you consulted.

1 year ago

Contact your competent youth office. They can’t just throw you out like that, they have educational and care obligations.

1 year ago

Get back and tell them they can’t do that and you’ve heard better threats.

1 year ago

Calm blood, they can’t get you out, parents have a duty to care! Talk with them alone, maybe it was just her

first wrath

1 year ago

If they throw you out, they still have to make sure your living is under maintenance.

However, I do not understand the reaction of your parents properly – there is surely a history?

1 year ago
Reply to  Midgarden

Look at the questions of the child.

1 year ago
Reply to  NaIchHalt09

The statement seems somewhat framed, doesn’t it? A growing woman would be more respectful. Whatever you may think of your actions and act. In the end, she also seeks advice and action here. She’s here because you’re obviously looking for advice, but not to be condemned.

1 year ago
Reply to  NaIchHalt09

I just made it;-)

1 year ago

Yes, that troll doesn’t arrive well, everyone must know.

The actual advice, “Get to the Youth Office” has already been given (and, among other things, I valued positively) and with their next dozens of questions on the subject, you can simply link to it.

1 year ago

That still doesn’t make my argument invalid. For others also read this, which may have these issues, and they see how the society and/or the environment reacts to this and then dare to speak even less openly.

1 year ago

She is here because you obviously seek advice

Or a Troll/Dramaqueen, who is deeply engaged in the cliché box: New account, monothetic “questions”, friend doesn’t want to prevent it either, he can’t “force” her, don’t drive away, parents want to throw her out, …

… well, I could at least understand the latter. ^^

1 year ago

If there is a father (and I hope very much) then go to him if he is a morally normal person (my belly feeling tells me something else).

I don’t know the whole background, but that’s why I just answer the following questions:

Are you with the father if what about him? How old is he? What’s that?

Why do your parents want to throw you out? I’m sure this has other reasons than the child.

You want the kid anyway? You should also ask yourself if you can give the child a good life at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kimberlyrose16

Don’t let anything force you there.

Do you want to hear my honest opinion quite honestly and uncensored? The guy’s fucking rags and he’s gonna let you sit and slip over the next one if it fits him in the stuff, he’s gonna treat you like shit just as he’s probably already done. Close with the dirt bag and decide even what to do with the child if you don’t want the child, but there is still the possibility to release it for adoption, but in any case separate the toxic miscarriage your friend is causing.

1 year ago

Explain this first to your parents then they can help you get to the police, so it would be ideal if you could show text messages there that serve as proof. And honestly, the guy is worthless Pisser don’t let him intimidate you, your parents fit on you that can’t hurt you. He just wants to control you, and if you do what he wants, it’ll never stop so go right now to your parents and tell them what’s going on.

1 year ago

I’m sorry when I got pregnant at that time I wasn’t much older but our parents supported us very much back then

1 year ago

You can’t make them a minor. make it dieoch dan to jugendam or police then they get stress

1 year ago

First of all, I’d go to the youth office in your place and try to get a mother-child training.

Next, give your friend the pass. Who wants to force you to do something against your will can remain stolen.

1 year ago

You should visit a consultancy office.

If your parents don’t want to be there for you, there’s something like a lousy living.

1 year ago

Why do you get pregnant at age? Youth of today…

1 year ago

Maybe you should talk to a parent, dear Kimberleyrose (expressed in English), how your life should continue after your rather stupid behavior.

You want to take the child? How do you imagine your dream of a career with the police now?

Overall, I doubt the seriousness of your questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  NaIchHalt09

The statement is somewhat prejudicial. Whether it’s a stupid behavior is not your assessment. in your other questions is hard to read out whether it is a wish child etc. This seems to me a very counterproductive reaction, especially because you give a subjective assessment in every 2nd sentence.

In the first sentence alone, it could be assumed that it made a mistake and should now be in a repentance position.

1 year ago

She doesn’t want it

1 year ago

This is only 15 minutes after you post your text. And even then the fact does not change the facts.

1 year ago

Hello contact the Youth Office in your circle or town where you live

1 year ago

They can’t because you’re under 18. Easy to use

1 year ago

Contact the Youth Office

1 year ago

It’s best for all those involved when you go to the mother-child heim.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kugelflitz

If she drives the unintentional child..

1 year ago
Reply to  XXsadXX

It can’t have been so unintentional if she pimped unprotected.

1 year ago

She could have taken the pill secretly.

1 year ago

I still can’t believe your wild stories.

1 year ago

For me, all this looks strong, that her “friend” forces her to

1 year ago

Don’t let your friend force you to keep a “child” you don’t want. Turn to the youth office or to a corresponding consultancy and let the “child” run away.

5 months ago

go to your village for youth help