Eltern drehen durch was soll ich tun?
Ich bin Südländer und bin 18 Jahre M. Ich wollte gerade rausgehen doch mein Vater hat mich erwischt und ist durchgedreht, bis zum geht nicht mehr und hat mich nicht gelassen. Er wollte mein Handy haben doch ich habe es nicht geöffnet. Er hat mich daraufhin bisschen geschlagen paar Backpfeifen( tat nicht weh). Kommt mir aber jetzt nicht mit geh zu Polizei oder so denn das kann ich nicht, da es meine Eltern sind. Mein Vater meinte er kann das nicht mehr mit mir und will mit mein Brüdern reden und eine Lösung finden. Meine Eltern meinten wir lassen nicht zu dass du nachts rausgehst, weil es nachts gefährlich ist. Glaubt ihr die werden es bald zulassen, wenn ich mich durchsetze. Ich will die nicht verletzen, da sie schon alt sind. Was soll ich tun. Kommt mir nicht mit zeig die an. Das sind immer noch meine Eltern
It’s difficult! It is the education that your parents have enjoyed as children. You don’t know it any other way and live after that.
Now they have grown-up or almost adult children and want to impose their will on them, because they, when they were young, just as it happened!
I always recommend finding an adult/family person who can help you. He/she could communicate between you.
I wish you could find someone like this!
This probably only changes when you’re pulled out.. Until then, somehow try to find compromises. Vlt. can you talk to your mother first?
When I was 18, my parents were a bit looser. My brother stressed me well at that time ^^ . I really had my rest only when I moved out.
Pull out? I really got Nix in my hand. I just want to get out a little weekend and fun but they don’t leave it to what I’m supposed to do
We need moderate conversations to build a bridge between you and your parents. The best thing would be a neutral third party that your parents accept.
Until then, we cannot change a human being – if necessary. only pull out or go to distance.
You can give me some tip, please. I just want to get out at night at weekends
Heimlich? Unnoticed – is it?
If you can’t do quietly and unnoticed what you think is right, then there are only 3 options for you. These 3 options are available for all people who are in an unpleasant situation:
Option 1: You change the situation in your favor. (For this you need a mediator or wait until you can take off = you need patience)
Option 2: As long as Option 1 does not work, Option 2 is always the automatic sequence: You have to accept the unpleasant situation – and also the associated suffering. Option 2 is always associated with suffering.
If you reject Option 2, you will only remain Option 3
Option 3: Exit (running, pulling to Grandma and Grandpa etc.)
Just do it. What does he want to do? then you just have to learn to get clear
I’ve tried my father catching me today and I’ve been crazy. Believe if I just make it, they let me out so soon or so soon
Oh, my God. has your father always made sure you didn’t go outside the door at night or was that different? Is there something he’s afraid to let you out?
To ban something as general as his son is not exactly clever of him. But can be judged as an outsider without you, your life, your environment, your family, your city etc.
Find the conversation in a quiet situation. Show understanding for his worries, ask him how it was when he was at your age. Tell him that aggressions and backpipes only cause you to get out and destroy his relationship with him.
What solution does he want to find with your brothers? I have only one sister but it seems weak to me to ask the siblings for advice. You must have built some real sacks or have no real plan where you want to go at night. Otherwise it is not comprehensible for me. At 18 years he has nothing to report.
Sorry if, despite my answer, I have no real solution for you..
My other brothers did all that bullshit at the time, so I think he doesn’t want to admit it. But I will persevere and not be afraid of
Yeah, that’s the fate of one last born. You’re probably more sensible by your brothers’ past behavior than your age. Your father is certainly driven by the experiences with your siblings and now tries to make it “real” with you at least. But he shoots beyond the goal and forgets that you are an independent person. You shouldn’t be afraid. Rather, he should be afraid of losing your respect with his behavior.
Take it off
You’re all year round and you can go when and where you want.
Your father won’t beat you.
We’re not supposed to tell you to go to the police, but then at least tell your father and make it clear to him, that’s one for all.
You seem really desperate. I’m just gonna tell you my opinion now and tell you how I’d handle your situation. That’s what I need information like a friend? Yes/No? Ready with school? Yes/No. What kind of school? What did you study? And why do you want to get out at night?
I want to get out at night to turn off the week, for example, go to club with friends and that only on Saturday. Have no girlfriend do my Abi right now and then training
Learning from it and becoming a better father sometime
Is your brothers allowed to go out?
They should get out, but they’re already old, all over 30
What do you want to hear now? Phrases like show them and go to the police you don’t want to hear, and since you still live there you seem to have to bend the rules.
Since you explicitly mention that you are a southern country, it seems to be different in your families than you would be used to in Germany, we cannot give you any advice.
If you adapt to your family and your traditions, you also have little complications, or move out and live your own life after that nobody can blame you.
Something else we can’t tell you