Eltern bestrafen einen Grundlos?
Meine Mutter bestraft mich einfach ohne Grund. Laut ihr dürfte ich nicht mehr meinen Freund sehen und muss mein Handy abgeben. Ich hab mich natürlich dagegen gestellt weil es überhaupt keinen Grund gibt dies zu tun. Ich werde mich weiterhin widersetzen aber was soll ich eurer Meinung nach tun?
In my opinion, the situation is relatively unintentional with regard to the agreement and withdrawal of the penalty.
It is only the attempt to find out what exactly your mother has led to this step. After all, a punishment is supposed to cause insight into “its own guilt” and it can’t do that if you don’t understand it.
You’re 18 and you can do what you want.
If you live at home, you have to bend the rules of the homeowners.
Your choice.
He’s not 18
If you are still minor, you have to bend the instructions and orders of your parents. However, if you are 18+, you can do and leave (under the lawfulness understands) what you want.
But that’s not normal anymore, is it?
Normal, if you’re underage, it’s normal.
Ask what she was riding.