Eltern beschweren sich weil ich nicht mit in Urlaub möchte?
Hallo liebe Community, ich wollte mal fragen wie meine Eltern von meinem Standpunkt Überzeugen kann.Ich habe zwei Geschwister mit denen ich zuvor in den Urlaub gefahren bin(natürlich mit meinen Eltern), die sind allerdings jetzt zu alt und kommen nicht mehr mit und ich fahre alleine mit meinen Eltern in den Urlaub, letzten Urlaub ist mir dann aufgefallen das weil ich daran so gewohnt bin mir ist natürlich extrem Langweilig weil ich keinen in meinem Alter zum reden habe. Wie kann ich meine Eltern überzeugen? Oder liegt es an mir?
Vielen Dank schonmal im Voraus 🙂
By showing you every day that you are mature enough to let yourself alone for one or two weeks.
Naturally, every 15-year-old thinks that this would be the case with him… I also thought when I was 15. From today’s view, however, I can understand that my parents didn’t leave me home for 2 weeks at 15. That was okay with me when I was 17.
Of course, it is also important that there is someone who can regularly look for you (grandparents, uncles or aunts, your siblings, …)
Of course, there are also parents who are just too scared and do not realize that their child is already mature enough – which is true to you, of course, nobody can judge here.
Personally, I must say that on holiday with my parents as a 15-year-old, I had quite fun. It also depends on the type of holiday trip. We stayed in Greece in tourist resort with many others at my age from all over the country – that was really nice. On the other hand, I would not have liked to take part in a hiking holiday on the Lofoten 🙂
LG, Chris
Honestly, I would not leave my 15 year-old child at home for 1-2 weeks without supervision. It would have to be ready and the neighbor looks past at least 1x a day. Otherwise it has to come.
What more would help you talk. So tell your parents what you’d like to do on holiday.
For this, you can also find the same thing on holiday. You can’t be shy and you usually have to dare to speak English (which is certainly good for you).
Of course, holiday as a single child can get boring with the parents. is also a question of age. 10 is different from 17.
But you can talk to your parents. KLar, are some two worlds, but one can find a basis.
Often the interests of companies are very different. That should be something for everyone.
You can also get to know other children and young people, according to your holiday destination and type.
This depends extremely on whether you are 7 or 17 years old.