Elephant auf 4 Eiern?
Ich erinnere mich noch sehr dunkel daran, daß es rein theoretisch möglich ist, daß ein Elephant auf 4 Eiern stehen könnte. Dabei geht es um die Wirkung und Richtung von (physikalischen) Kräften. Wenn die Kräfte also, total laienhaft formuliert!, direkt auf den Nullpunkt wirken, dann könnten diese Kräfte (vermutlich) unendlich groß sein, ohne das etwas passiert; also rein physikalisch/mathematisch.
Kann das hier jemand begründen und hat evtl. die richtige Formel dazu? Der Weg über die Tragkraft einzelner Eiern führt hier definitiv, soviel weiß ich, nicht zum Ziel.
What is it? Geabber from zero? This is neither sin-giving, nor physical and also not laity-like, but simply meaningless.
An egg holds a certain force and if this force is exceeded, it breaks. There is no trace of “infinite” great force.
Elephants definitely exceed this force. You can naturally lay several eggs under each foot of the elephant …
I don’t think it always works:
That four eggs Weight of an elephant I don’t think I can stop.
Okay, eggs are usually too complex.
The yt video also says: “The pressure must be uniform […] to be distributed. Since eggs always differ from each other, this is of course not possible. Theoretically but very well.
Let’s imagine a pencil standing on top. If a force is allowed to act perpendicularly on the 100% perpendicular pencil by the blunt, straight cut-off end of the pencil, this force will not be able to break the pencil. The tip of the pencil must be on “zero”. So physically in the infinite zero point. And if the force from above now directly on this theoretical zero point of the pencil plaster uniform in my opinion, the pencil cannot break. Probably this zero point is in the infinity, or “zero” is here as something like a limit value that goes against zero but will never reach (can).
And this is my question of understanding. In practice, of course, everything does not work. But in the mathematical, physical theory it should be.
We can replace the pencil, the eggs, also with a thin metal column, which is completely uniform in itself. The same assumptions apply there. When the acting force is completely perpendicular and uniform running through the object and acting on its “zero point”, then, yes, the elephant would have to be able to stand on the 4 eggs.
In the yt video it is also not possible to crush the eggs up and down with 2 fingers. This, however, only proves the stability of the eggs or their shell. There, however, the forces do not run evenly through the eggs. In order to produce a uniform course of forces here, the eggs and their structure would have to be separated into the infinity, in order to finally uniform Force distribution on the zero point to generate (100% of the acting force from above hit the zero point at the other end of the egg. Practically this is of course impossible, at least not with reasonable effort, but purely theoretically.
But I’ll make a mistake. Again: It’s about theory!
Four broken eggs are still four eggs for the elephant, which he will eat with pleasure.