Elektrotechnik Wechselstrom?

Hallo ich habe hier eine Schaltung vor mir weiß jedoch nicht wie ich vorgehen soll. Könnte jemand im allgemeinen erklären was ich machen muss. Das Ziel ist die Berechnung des scheinleitwerts

mein Ansatz: die reihenschaltung zusammenfassen und den Betrag von der Impedanz berechnen. Danach die Paralellschaltung berechnen wobei ich den Betrag der impedanz mit dem Widerstand addiere.
danke im vorraus

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1 year ago


1 year ago

Dear Community Expert for Electrical Engineering, could you please apply your knowledge to the specific task of the questioner? I also put a solution in my answer, but it seems to be wrong. Could you put an eye on it?

1 year ago
Reply to  TheCleverFox

Maybe you’ve noticed that I’ve been counting R1 = 200 Ohm. Consequently, my result differs from the actual result. And if I interpret your handwriting correctly, it won’t be hard for you to correct my lapsus.

It’s Christmas time.


1 year ago

I think it should be right.

First, the circuit is divided into three separate admittances (admittances are added in parallel). Then I calculated these letters. Always make sure that real and imaginary parts are nicely separated from each other. Finally, I’ve merged the three subadmittances and formed amount and phase. According to Wikipedia, the amount of the complex admittance is the so-called apparent value. they are 11,768mS (Millisiemens).

I have a very fine overview of complex AC calculations here by my professor. She always helps me.

I hope I didn’t expect anything

1 year ago
Reply to  Hhjtfgkzfhjh

Is there a lead? I’m really interested in burning how to get to this result because only the badge value is in demand… Then the 220V and the current are due or?

1 year ago

The 100mH will be given to you, despite the upstream R1. Now you have to connect the capacitor as a fresser. R2 serves only as an ohmic ballast. Only the inductance to the capacitance is important. Both are always the same despite different tensions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hhjtfgkzfhjh

C1 opposes a capacitive resistance according to the frequency. The coil L is in a counter-ratio. Unlike both, you have your impedance in the frequency. The power plays the smaller role.