Elektroschock-Matratze als Wecker?

Ich bin jemand, der sehr schwer und mühevoll in der früh aus dem Bett kommt. Oft bleibe ich eine stunde nach dem aufwachen liegen. Jetzt ist mir spontan folgende Idee eingefallen: Die Matratze automatisch unter Strom setzen. Also quasi einen leichten Elektroschocker als Wecker. Hat jemand eine Idee wie man das ganze realisieren könnte?

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2 years ago

You just have to manage the mattress as soon as it is reached, you have to worry about the fact that the current can “flow off” and then actually only (e.g. with a timer or the like) it can get that a suitable amount of current flows to the desired clock.

2 years ago

Not recommended but

There are videos of people who rebuild electric flying claws

If you let yourself knit with metal wire, plus and minus pole (exit circuit) at each one sock and that all over e.g.

The calculation of whether or when the whole is deadly is of interest to me

2 years ago

There are alarm clocks ringing and rolling away that you must stand up to make him

Maybe it would be

2 years ago

I’d rather buy you an alarm clock that makes you pigeon.