Electrophilic addition of propene with chlorine?

Hello everyone,
Tomorrow we have a chemistry test on electrophilic addition.
Our teacher gave us exercises to do.
…unfortunately, I’m already failing at these.
Could someone help me solve this?
The task is as follows:

B: Electrophilic addition:

Sketch the electrophilic addition of propene with chlorine in all its steps. Describe the mechanism, noting the important steps. Draw the movement and "attacks" of the electrons.

Additional questions to B: Explain why two different by-products can be formed in electrophilic addition and why one is clearly preferred (Markovnikov rule).

I am grateful for any help!

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6 months ago

Genau das zu finden wäre ja auch zu einfach, du sollst es ja auch übertragen können. Und ja, die Mechanismen funktionieren immer gleich. Wenn da also elektrophile Addition steht, dann macht Cl2 genau dasselbe wie Br2 an einem Propen, Buten oder was auch immer gegeben ist.