Elektromotor “steckt”?


Restauriere gerade einen Oldtimer.

Mittlerweile bin ich beim Scheibenwischermotor (40 Jahre unbewegt) angekommen.

Dieser funktioniert nur dann, wenn man konstant mit einem Hammer “draufklopft”.

Sonst bewegt er sich entweder garnicht oder ganz langsam.

Was ist da kaputt bzw. kann dieser repariert werden?


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3 years ago


The permanent fat filling is dried and resinized. The engine has a lot of resistance when turning through. The feathers pressing the coals have become lame, the coals themselves are dried. The tooth of time has nailed it.

Open it, clean it all up, see if you still get coals and feathers, otherwise bastle something with coals of household appliances, lubricate all storage areas and assemble it again.

That’s how the engine got a new life. The next revision will make your heirs.

Have fun preparing.


3 years ago

If it hasn’t been moved so long, I tap dry and possibly rusted warehouses… I used to have a rear wiper engine. The sprinkled head over and barely ran. You can vlt try to get rid of it, drink everything with rust removers and then build fat and again together. That’s how I got mine to live again. But he wasn’t out of operation for so long.

Or if you get it, just replace it. Will cost at least less time and nerve…