Elektro Zahnbürste welche sind besser?

Guten Tag undzwar habe ich gehört das Elektro Zahnbürsten besser sind als normale und Belag besser wegkriegen.

Welche sind aber besser? Es gibt ja diese kleinen Runden die sich wie eine Bohrmaschine drehen, und dann gibt es die, die wie eine normale Zahnbürste aussehen aber halt vibrieren.

oder vielleicht gibt es ja eine Art die ich nicht kenne die noch besser ist.

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1 year ago

Hello, NurDichA,

first it is important that you brush your teeth twice a day.

With an electric tooth bust, this is easier and usually more thorough. But it also depends very strongly on cleaning technology. An electric toothbrush e.g. leads to excessively pressing. And that would be counterproductive again.

Do you think this must be a toothbrush for 200 €? Of course, a Ferrari is faster than a VW golf, but you also come to the destination with the golf 😉

Good luck!


1 year ago

Better than the round cleaning heads are the sound toothbrushes with the “normal” brush heads, because they are more gentle for the gums and the gum necks are less “free scrubbing”. In any case it is necessary to take into account the tooth cleaning time and the strength with which to be brushed. Here, the gentler, the better. And also too long cleaning can damage the dental necks in the long term. And the technology plays a role, it is best to clean from the back to the front and guide the brush continuously from the inside to the outside and back. More gentle than electric brushes are good, soft hand toothbrushes, for example from Oral Prevent or from Curaprox. And the non-plus-ultra would be the daily use of interdental brushes before teeth brushing. If you use this (in the size suitable for intermediate tooth spacing) once a day in addition to brushing your teeth, you can effectively remove the biofilm and keep your teeth clean. This can also be supported by applying interprox tooth gel to the brushes and in the case of bloody gums with chlorhexamed gel.



1 year ago

Jo – there is:

Your hand and your brain.

It doesn’t have to be an eletric! Even the cheapest mechanics (conventional plastic brushes) for 25 cents do the job. Your technique is important. You should have taught them already. You just have to apply it. That’s all. Complete, cleanse your teeth and get them healthy!

1 year ago
Reply to  AriZona04

However, the electrical is more comfortable. I’m using the manual, for example, unrinkable.

1 year ago
Reply to  speckpflaume

I’m using her all my life and I haven’t had a hole in the last 40 years!

1 year ago

I’m not saying that the manual is worse. I’m just saying that I find the electric more convenient to use. And if you like to brush teeth, you do it more.

1 year ago

turning like a drill

The rounds do not turn, also oscillate. So back and forth.

Which one is better depends primarily on how you brush your teeth. Many do not know how to brush with an electric toothbrush.

With the rounds you make tooth for tooth, with the elongated you can make several.. Well, I don’t know how the elongate work exactly.

1 year ago

I’m just getting along with the round ones. You can clean your teeth more thoroughly.