Elektrische Erstprüfungen, Widerholungsprüfungen, Wartungsprüfungen; nur mit geeichten, genormten, geprüften, kalibrierten und richtig eingestellten Messgerät?
Messgerät MUSS geeicht, genormt, geprüft, kalibriert, Messleitungen kompensiert und das Gerät richtig eingestellt sein. Ferner auch verplombt sein, wegen Manipulation am Gerät ?
So type-tested, the device had to be tested by the manufacturer to prove that the model complies with the standards and is intrinsically safe.
The measuring/testing device is calibrated on a calibrated measuring device. Bzw. must be calibrated repeatedly at certain intervals.
A seal is not prescribed, and more important than a small sticker on the device, is surely the complete written calibration proof.
The equipment is designed for professionals. Who should come up with the idea of manipulating something and why?
Devices subject to a standard are standard. Each voltmeter measures volts or amperes etc., these are standard units.
Certain measuring instruments such as scales, that makes the calibration office, and these devices then also get a plombe.
A measuring device must be calibrated, otherwise it is not a measuring device. but only a tester. The calibration shows that a measurement protocol is within the scope of certain deviations. Without it, it’s just a treasure iron.
So it depends entirely on the application. Finally, the operator must know what he wants to do with the measuring device and how he wants to interpret the measurement results. There are no “false” measurement results, but incorrectly connected devices or incorrect settings that are not recognized.
Depends on the type of test, which is precisely prescribed.
e.g. test according to DGUV3
What does DGUV3 do?
If you insist on using multiple synonyms you can express it like that, yes.