Elektrische Energie?

Pro qm treffen 100 J Sonnenenergie in einer Sekunde auf die Erde. Eine Familie setzt pro Jahr 6000 kWh an elektrischer Energie um. Wie groß muss eine mit Solarzellen bedeckte Fläche sein, wenn sie alleine die elektrische Energie liefern soll?

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1 year ago

100 J solar energy per square met Earth in a second.

What to doubt would be… or to interpret.

With clear sky and during the day, 1000 J per second (i.e. watt) strike a surface positioned perpendicular to the sun rays. Unfortunately half the time is night, and the solar cells are also at a maximum of once a day perpendicular to the sun rays. Of these maximum 1000 W, according to your supplement, 15% (currently more than 20%) are converted into electrical energy.

What is meant, and what is not too far from reality in D: 100 W of solar radiation averaged over the year meet on a square meter of solar cells according to task.

The on average generated electrical power supplies you the efficiency.

You only have to calculate (alternatives to the previous proposals) which mean power corresponds to the 6000 kWh/year and then divide.

Balance calculation with real values in this country: For 6000 kWh/a you need 6 kW peak, which is about 30 m2. No problem on the roof near the detached house.

1 year ago

Calculate how many joules per hour meet 1m^2.

Find out how many joules are equal to 1 kw and reckon around .

Calculate how much m2 you need for 1 kwh.

Calculate how much m^2 you need for 6000kwh

1 year ago

You have to adjust the times.

  1. How many seconds has a year?
  2. What energy does 1 m2 of solar cells deliver in the year?
  3. Convert this energy to kWh
  4. How many m2 the family needs to get 6000 kWh
1 year ago

100 joules per m2 and second

3153600000 Joule per m2 and year

A joule corresponds to 0.000000278 kWh, i.e.

876.7008 kWh per m2 and year

For 6000 kWh you need about 6.84 m2

The sun doesn’t always shine. The task does not make any statement.