Ekliger Geschmack im Mund?


Ich hab seit ca 1 Woche einen sehr unangenehmen Geschmack im Mund. Es riecht wie faule Eier und ich weiß echt nicht woher. Ich putze meine Zähne und trotzdem ist es noch da, ich putze meine Zunge nie, kann es davon kommen?

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1 year ago


As an experienced ZFA, I can recommend using tooth silk as well as a tongue cleaner.

Very many bacteria form on the tongue and smell after a time. Just like the covering between your teeth.

At the end a good mun flush on it and then make it daily


1 year ago

Well, such a funny taste in the mouth can be triggered by a lot, I would recommend that you try to squeeze your gum off to see if you are somewhere sensitive to pain. But if you still don’t find what you can make this smell, I would really recommend to introduce it to a doctor.