Ekligen Geruch aus Büchertasche bekomme?
Hi meine büchertasche stinkt extrem nach so verschimmelten essen obwohl da nichts drinne ist es hat warscheinlivj den Geruch angenommen. Wie kriege ich den da am besten raus ohne das meine Eltern was merken ? Danke Schonmal
I can honestly talk to you from experience, because it only helps to wash and ventilate a lot, you don’t just get the smell away like that. I just want to be honest and tell it, so bad can’t be the reaction.
I had a similar situation once, where I had forgotten 6 months or so a sandwich in my backpack and eventually kicked my whole closet, here a picture:
I found this after 6 months and told my mother, she took care of it for the good, I put the sandwich on the window stick because of the stench, and that took a bird or something, so I never saw it again.
Hope I could help you!
Pure vinegar, and wash out by hand with washing powder and dry
I think your parents won’t care if you just put the bag in the washing machine