Ekel vor Alkoholikern? Wer noch?
Ich persönlich habe nichts dagegen, wenn Leute hin und wieder trinken, aber was ich über alles hasse , sind diese Alkoholiker die immer vor Penny oder Rewe hocken und einfach den übelsten Geruch an sich tragen. Also so richtige Penner die keine Routine haben und die Kontrolle über ihr Leben verloren haben und dann stehen die an der Kasse vor oder hinter mir und ich krieg die Kriese , geht gar nicht.
Ich finde für die sollte es Ladenverbot geben.🥴🤢🤮
I’d say it doesn’t matter to you. You don’t have to look for contact with people.
Well, we’re glad you didn’t have anything to report.
I hope you never get into such a bad situation as these people come.
I don’t want to have any contact with this, believe me, and I just don’t understand that so many people lack this feeling, how can you not remember that….come
Doesn’t have to look for contact. I don’t want any contact with people like you.
Still, I need to see people like you.
You call personal bad luck.
Otherwise stay home and order your shopping home.
I’m coming as long as I want.
And you tell me I’m funny. Oh, man.
Yes I am so, don’t come anymore you’re funny
It’s not about your appearance, it’s about your kind.
Ne that’s my side you can also go down and also you don’t know how I look in real
Yeah, always hit the people who have nothing left. Why not execute?
Then why stop with these sick people (success diseases)? If we’re here, we can keep going. Chemocycles + irradiation and surgery like to cost over one million euros, why should we wear this as a company? Just get away with people.
Should we let really disabled children grow up? They’re just a burden on society. You get NSDAP flashbacks here.
Well, really, some people just disgust me.
I have compassion and wish that they will get dry. You don’t know anything about these people.
I don’t care when it’s too much. That’s just like people who eat too much and are overweight, how can you get drunk or eat to death?
Yeah, but that’s a proble for them. You have no idea how it is.
Don’t you mind?
That’s not your side. That’s a good question, and the page is certainly not yours.
Anyone who shoots against others doesn’t need to wonder when they get shot back.
Well, it’s my page I can ask what I want you don’t have to comment,or you’re being blocked right away
Then don’t complain. If it’s not worth shopping for you, it can’t be so bad.
I don’t want to know what this is, but it’s not about…
No, I’m buying around the corner….I’m just finding annoying
Can you buy somewhere else if you have a problem with it.
But to me and all the others who are harassed daily