Guten Abend, ich brauch mal eure Erfahrung/ Rat. Ich hatte vor 3 Tagen meinen Eisprung und habe jetzt schon im Ausfluss leicht hell rotes Blut eher rosa. Kann sich das Ei jetzt schon einnisten? Ist doch eigentlich noch zu früh. Und die Periode kann es noch nicht sein.
Ich hoffe jemand kann mir weiterhelfen.
That can have a thousand reasons.
And how did you determine the ovulation? That’s so sure he can’t be predicted.
That’s right. I did Ovu tests. But the test line at Ovu was darker than the control line. That’s why I thought I’d have my ovulation in two days. And then the line was gone again during the tests.
It’s good to assume. 100% sure is not that an ovulation takes place after the LH tip.
I wish a lot of success.
I also think it would be the best solution to go to the gynecologist. Thank you.
Unfortunately, I can only tell you a little bit about this (painting) bleeding can have so inconceivable many reasons… I think your gynecologist can help you.
Oh, okay, it can be that I also get my period today it was a bit more. Only I am surprised that after 1 week and 7 days I get my period again. Usually have a regular cycle.
A bleeding does not get grainier – if visible early – sounds like normal bleeding. How would you know when your ovulation was?