Einzelunternehmer Fahrzeug absetzen?
Ich bin einzelunternehmer. Habe mir für meine Tätigkeit einen neuwagen bestellt habe im Autohaus auch angegeben das ich diesen nur zu gewerblichen Zwecken nutze. Ich habe mir den Vertrag nochmal angeschaut. Da steht Verbraucherdarlehensantrag. Und es steht nur mein Vor- und Nachname. Es wird nichts gewerbliches im Vertrag erwähnt. Kann ich die Kosten des Fahrzeuges dann trotzdem bei der Steuererklärung geltend machen? Ein Bekannter meinte zu mir da ich Einzelunternehmer bin, bin ich das Unternehmen selbst, von daher würde das in Ordnung gehen. Was meint ihr dazu?
For the first time, it would be necessary to clarify whether the vehicle is private assets or operating assets.
A distinction is made between necessary and desired operating assets:
If the vehicle is operating assets, all expenses in this context are operating expenses.
However, you have to tax private use either using the 1% method or the travel book method.
Furthermore, operational use, regardless of the 1% method, should be demonstrated.
Thank you. Only used in operation. Then I’ll do the best travel book
In the case of an individual company, the name of the owner is normally the company name. However, it is also possible to make a difference in admission. If you call Peter Maier and make garden and landscape construction, this can also be entered in the FZ-Schein. ZB “Gala tree Peter Maieror “Peter Maier Gala-Bau“.
In any case, VAT can be applied immediately. Ggf doesn’t even think about it. However, it will be difficult for you to prove 100% commercial benefits when the tax office asks. Rides from and to work are considered private.
From this, the 1% regulation i should be claimed. And the depreciation will help you with your tax advisor b zw.
Thank you
https://www.bwl-lexikon.de/wiki/individual company/
Can I still claim the costs of the vehicle at the tax return?
If you leave the costs from your business account – no problem!
You can’t pay the costs with your private account…
Greetings siola55
says who?
From my own experience…
Thank you.
He’s right.
Thank you