Einzelhandel: Wer darf offene Futtermittel aus Säcken verkaufen?
Ich habe ein kleines Tierfachgeschäft und wollte dort eigentlich gern offene Futtermittel aus 15-20-kg-Säcken anbieten, weil man sie in solchen Großpackungen viel billiger bekommt als wenn sie vom Inverkehrbringer in kleinen versiegelten Beuteln kommen. Das Veterinäramt meinte dazu aber bei einer Inspektion, wo die noch verschlossenen großen Säcke dastanden, dass ich das nicht tun dürfe. Ich dürfe das Futter auch nicht selbst aus dem großen Sack in kleine Packungen umfüllen. Aber mindestens zwei andere Läden in meinem Umkreis tun es. Kennt sich jemand mit der Gesetzeslage aus? Wer darf es und wer nicht, und wo kann man ggf. eine Genehmigung beantragen?
You need at least one calibrated scale.
For the legal situation, you could ask the Veterinary Office for the laws you have to comply with.
I have such a scale, it was very expensive. Unfortunately, our Veterinary Office is always very much time to answer questions, but on the phone has said something about the government office Gießen – but there I have not found any place that could be responsible for this. So I’d rather ask here.
In food, employees must have the ‘food certificate’, it must be weighed on a calibrated scale, and the tolerance limits of the product must be observed (+- 5g?).
At Hornbach you can fill your animal feed yourself in the bag.
Then sell “bastel material” or something similar, such as fillings for “Kirschkernkopfkissen” or “Dinkelgrain cushions” as heat storage….
Oh, Jens, Rabbit and hay are other topics again! The Veterinary Office has told me that I cannot sell any rabbit food or hay at all. Rabbits, even tiny dwarf rabbits, are considered to be “agricultural animals” for which other notes, permits and courses are needed. So I’m feeding everything from my store where “canine food” or “suitable for rabbits” is on it, now to my own guinea pigs. The German bureaucracy is simply a question. Thousands of rules, of which a normally and purely logically thinking exist founder does not have the slightest idea that it could exist at all.
It is important for people in food.
In the case of dried grass for rabbits, I would consider it superfluous.
Okay, thanks, the term “food certificate” helps me out! Now I know what to do. :
Turn to your cooperative.
I’m not in a cooperative. What is there for animal shop owners?