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6 months ago

No, unless the non-intake leads to the risk of self- or alienation. Instruction against the will of the person concerned is possible only in the case of acute self- or foreign danger, without exception.

Another question is whether you can stay in the current facility if you refuse to take your medication.

6 months ago

No, just because of the non-intake of your medication, you won’t be admitted.

6 months ago

Hello, maybe you should talk to your psychiatrist that you don’t want to take these medications and explain the reasons. Maybe he will explain why they were prescribed to you again. Don’t misunderstand me, but maybe you can only be sustainably helped if you take medicines along with the therapy. In Germany you get help and if you don’t tell your doctor that you’re putting the medicines off, you’ll tell him or her the cooperation. It is your life, and without your participation you will not experience any better times.

6 months ago

The mere non-intake of your media is not a reason to instruct. However, it can of course be difficult if your behavior changes due to it, that in some cases an instruction is considered necessary.

6 months ago

Hello, no, as long as there is no danger to you or others.

a person has the right to refuse medicines revenue.