Einstiegsgehalt als Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte/r?
Guten Morgen,
bald ist meine Ausbildung beendet und ich weis nicht so genau, was ich als Einstiegsgehalt bekommen sollte.
Meine Arbeitsstelle wird in Köln sein, die Kanzlei hat 3 Standorte mit insgesamt ca 40-50 Mitarbeitern.
Ich habe etwas recherchiert und das mindest Einstiegsgehalt ist in dem Beruf anscheinend bei 2.350.
Wo könnte ich ansetzen ohne dass ich ein zu hohes Gehalt nennen ?
Meine Vorstellung ist bei mindestens 2.5 brutto raus zu kommen.
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe !
Hello, enter the profession at the boarding school and the city and see what the average entry fee for the region is. Then I would also “require”. But it is often that your employer has a sum he will call you. In the first year it’s a little bit, but in the second you can ask for a raise.
Do you mean net or gross?
Gross, I wrote.
Thank you for your answer. That’s really little, I’d have gone out. What city was that?
I’m a little shocked. I didn’t think so.
Many law firms are urgently looking for professionals in this field, as few want to practice this profession. In addition, many firms have a working environment in which the treatment of employees is perceived as inhumane.
This is quite remarkable.
Given that people who earn less than 2500€ gross have a high risk of poverty, such a job does not offer a long-term perspective for me.
You can even earn more at REWE as an unskilled force.
You have to say I was at a relatively small firm.
I saw it, but I couldn’t believe it.
I find so little money for a demanding job.