Einstellungstest Industriekaufmann?

Ich habe bald einen Einstellungstest für die Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann, mein Problem ist gerade, das ich seit ich mein Abitur mit 18 gemacht nur ein versuchtes Biologie Studium + Praktikum gemacht habe. Ich bin jetzt 21.

Besonders was Mathe angeht, bin ich zwar mittelmäßig im Abi gewesen aber nach den 3 Jahren absolut raus. Ich habe 2 Wochen mich vorzubereiten.

Was genau brauche ich an Mathe für den Einstellungstest zum Industriekaufmann und was könnte neben Mathe noch drankommen?

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6 months ago

What is asked in detail depends of course on the company.

But as an industrial businessman, one does not need particularly difficult mathematics. The majority consists of three sets and percentages.

Otherwise, there will be some logic tasks. It’s in many recruitment tests.

5 months ago

Hello kevstr, if you’ve done your Abi, you should also create a hiring test for the industrial businessman. The questions and themes are not all known from school. You can prepare yourself for such tests.

Just look here in Overview after. You’ll find a lot free exercise tests.

6 months ago

Hi Kevstr, in Mathe, interest and percentages of tasks can also be done. In addition, three-set, multiplication and breaking computing tasks. Depends on the company what is important to them.

In addition to the math tasks, general knowledge, logical thinking and your language understanding are usually queried.

You can also practice free tests from the internet for the first time. For example Here

or look at this Video on.

6 months ago

Did the company not provide any further information? Shame!

Basic calculations, general knowledge, spelling and grammar. You should get along with that.