Einschreiben postlagernd am Samstag?
heute wurde ein Einschreiben für mich postlagernd losgeschickt. Samstags werden keine Einschreiben zugestellt aber da es ja nicht zugestellt werden muss, ist das schon in der Postfiliale oder muss ich bis Montag warten
Your assertion that no enrollments are posted on Saturdays is wrong.
If the registration has been sent today, it can be ready to pick up tomorrow at the post office. But I wouldn’t go to the post in the morning if the letter might not have arrived there, but only try half an hour before the closure. If the letter isn’t yet, you can try again on Monday.
I don’t know what country you live in, in DE the mail is delivered every working day.
Saturday also which are served only on Sunday not Saturday is not a working day
Every time the same nonsense. Lt. Bundesgerichtshof says: “Working days are all calendar days that are not Sundays or legal holidays“.
Is it Saturday or not???
Of course, Saturday comes as explained above in my answer.
Surely wanted to know about that. Yesterday a enrollment was sent, I’m curious if it comes tomorrow!
It’s okay
Look into the internet always such a kindergarten there are 5 official workdays my klen
If you say that, of course, it must be right. Keep dreaming.
It is not working day good is opi/omi