Einnistungsblutung oder Periode?
Ich mache mir in letzter Zeit etwas Sorgen:
mein Freund und ich hatten vor 5 Tagen GV und uns ist das Kondom geplatzt, es war wohl der Tag meines Eisprungs. Doch eigentlich nehme ich die Pille hatte mich an dem Abend aber übergeben (kurz nach der Einnahme) nun dachte ich aufgrund dessen dass ich vielleicht schwanger sein könnte (für einen Test ist es ja noch viel zu früh) und heute morgen stelle ich diese Blutung fest (Bilder) so sieht meine Periode normalerweise nicht aus aber was kann es denn dann sein?
Mund was soll ich jetzt machen (wenn ich schwanger wäre dann ja in der 3 Woche oder?)
danke schonmal:)
[Bild durch Moderation entfernt]
The hormones of the pill leverage your own natural cycle. The estrogens and gestagens of a combination pill continuously suppress, among other things, the ovulation in the ovary and prevent the ovulation.
So you have no natural cycle and no ovulation anymore – this is the purpose and purpose of this method of prevention.
Only in the case of uncorrected intake errors/exchange effects can there be a breakthrough ovulation (unwanted spontaneous ovulation) and then also a pregnancy.
The coveted and much quoted instinct bleeding is rather a “invention” of modern times. It is true that in every pregnancy there is a cervical bleeding when the fertilized egg nests in the womb.
However, this is usually so weak that no blood emerges from the vagina, which is why the fewest women get something from the bleeding at all.
In my training far over 30 years ago, it has not been mentioned in teaching or in any textbooks. But it is now in every contribution on the Internet, but it is absolutely overvalued.
Insect bleeding is very weak. Sometimes a few light reddish drops or slings get to the outside, occasionally a little more. It usually takes only about one to two days and runs comparatively easily and does not become stronger. Mostly, it is brighter and more reddish than the usually brownish period bleeding and occurs earlier than these (5-10 days after successful fertilization).
In none of my pregnancy, I noticed such a bleeding and it is also not part of the usual procedure to ask a pregnant woman in the anamnese survey, because it is irrelevant.
Intermediate bleeding is a typical side effect of each pill and can occur at any time. Here they are probably due to irregular hormone supply.
Happy for you!
Happy for you!
It would be too much for a bleeding.
Wait and make a pregnancy test.