
Hallo zusammen,

ich habe in 2 Tagen meine Periode und habe leichte Blutungen bekommen die bräunlich aber auch manchmal Blut ist aber auch manchmal rötlich feucht und nicht stark.Habe auch die ganze Zeit Unterleib schmerzen wie in der Periode.Und habe voll Angst das es Einnistungsblutungen sind da ich Geschlechtsverkehr 1Woche vor meiner Periode hatte. Kann mich jemand bitte aufklären?

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1 year ago


You have your period. In color and appearance it can vary constantly.

Insisting bleedings are exceptions and not the rule as many think. And when they get around the ovulation and not so late.

So relax and think about prevention.

P.s. Regularly, the bleeding always excludes a pregnancy which is the body and so is the norm

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymsksk27

Insisting bleeding can occur if, then only gaalantic bit, but not like regular period. That’s definitely too much and not a memorization.

Regularly you don’t bleed during the insertion. Was not with me or with all I know!!

1 year ago

The instinct bleeding does not flow. They don’t exist. Remember that.

1 year ago

Insisting bleeding is not perceived and only something.

Think you just have a lubrication bleeding before your period

1 year ago

As you say, it doesn’t sound like a bleeding. Lubrication/light bleeding is very common before the period. In the case of an insemination, the bleeding (if it should come to one at all) is usually light red and very little. If you have a regular (!) Cycle has and had 1 week before your period GV, the probability that you are pregnant is also rather low. Important: since the cycle can be irregular, this is of course not a safe method of prevention. To make sure you could make an early test. If this is negative, but your period does not come in the next few days, I would do another. 14 days after the GV, the test should be very safe.

1 year ago

You have your period.