Einmal Periode, dann nicht mehr?

Hallo, ich wollte fragen, ob es schlimm ist, wenn man seine Periode hatte, aber seitdem nicht mehr ?

Ist jetzt schon ziemlich lange her, dass ich sie hatte.

Und ich kann nicht schwanger sein !

Vielen Dank schonmal.

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8 months ago


Between the first and second periods can also be months.

The body has no calendar and above all at the beginning this is still quite irregular. The body doesn’t know that yet, how does it happen? He knows he has to do this sometime, but he only has a rough guide how it works. He doesn’t know when he has to send to and from what of the many hormones. The body is happy to get confused. You always say that it can take up to 3 years until the body has played.

But even after he has played himself, it is not unusual if the period does not come exactly to the point. You always say shifts of 1-7 days are still normal after these 3 years. If factors such as stress, medicines, weight etc. are added, the period can sometimes fail or shift more strongly.

You should go to the gynecologist no later than 6 months without period. If you are lucky your second period comes in the normal regular period after 21-35 days, that would also be the normal time when your cycle is then regular. On average, a cycle takes between 26 and 31 days and most have a 28 day cycle. Please don’t go out of thirsty, everyone has a different cycle length as long as you lie within the standard of 21-35 days everything is okay.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



8 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Yes, you should be a gynecologist if the second period does not come within 6 months.

Reasons are different. In most cases, however, it is important in young years. How old, big and heavy are you?

8 months ago

Which computer did you use?

8 months ago

Have you ever thought about your bmi?

8 months ago

Maybe you just think so. Did you let the doctor check it out? Overweight can also affect the period