Einlieferungsbeleg trotz unversichertem Päckchen?
Hallo, ich habe über Kleinanzeigen etwas gekauft und dafür mit dem Verkäufer auf unversicherten Versand (DHL M-Päckchen) verständigt. Nun schickte mir der Verkäufer ein Foto von einem Einlieferungsbeleg auf dem Datum, Uhrzeit, sowie eine Sendungsnummer stehen. Weiß jemand warum es dann so einen Beleg gibt?
there is no number for parcels.
Please show us mla the document (make a part of the alleged sender number – also because of the date and other things you don’t want to show) – but you should already show us. Then you can tell what it is.
I added it up.
One possibility would be that the package was delivered to the delivery agent, then a receipt with a consignment number is actually printed out. A shipment tracking does not work.
A picture of the receipt could possibly help.
I added it up.
Does the broadcast number work? Is there a broadcast status?
Status open. We expect your shipment data shortly.
I’ll check in the days again. But there’s nothing to do in theory.
Maybe because the seller has failed or used the higher-quality method to save trouble. Perhaps the item is packed so large that there is only insured shipping.
I was wondering if he sent it differently, but that’s not the case.
no consignment number can exist in a packet. there is no