Einlieferung in Filallie seit gestern kein Update?

Hallo ich weiss das manchmal DHL Pakete übersehen kann aber ich erwarte ein Paket was sehr groß und schwer ist und soll immernoch in der Filiale liegen. Hat DHL zurzeit Störungen im System und ich hab es morgen oder was ist da los ? Übersehen kann man so ein Paket schlecht laut Verkäufer hat er es in ein kleinen Kiosk abgegeben

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5 months ago

Yes, it’s normal for DHL. They don’t drive every day every branch, even though you promise. Small package shops are sometimes not approached for 3-4 days.

5 months ago

If it’s a “postfilial” then it gets 1 x at the same time every day.

If it is only a “package shop” then the delivery agent takes the package there “on the next occasion”. This means it can be 2 days in the shop until it goes on. The parcel shops do not have fixed times for collection.

If you go to DHL.de and then find “Filiale” you see if this is a branch or shop. If it was a “small kiosk” then it’s pretty sure just a package shop

5 months ago

This is a package shop that will only be introduced once a day. So if the package has been delivered at 5:00, it’s too late to be picked up on the same day.

Sorry to crack after a day is not necessary.

5 months ago

Why don’t you ask the branch if it’s here?

5 months ago
Reply to  Klaus521

Okay with us, the mail is loading in a lottery and I can find out the number from the store