Einleitungs-Satz in einer Geschichte?


Ich möchte gerne eine Geschichte schreiben. Ich habe vor die Geschichte in der ” Ich-Form” zu schreiben. Ich brauche ein, oder zwei, gute Sätze die in die Geschichte einführen. Habt ihr gute Ideen und Tipps?

Liebe Grüße und Danke im Voraus

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2 years ago

It started that I fell into the fountain.

or, the horror began when I fell into the fountain.

or, I opened my eyes.

or hello I’m the fountain.


2 years ago
Reply to  EinTeeneGirl

Wait I’ll check in a book, then I can say one more

2 years ago
Reply to  MeaLuna

Please, please write “much” with f when it comes to the verb “fall”!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jersinia

Sorry, auto correction

2 years ago
Reply to  MeaLuna

Oha thank you

2 years ago

The last thing I wanted was to fall in a fountain, the end of the world as I spend a lot in the fountain, I really did not ask to fall into the fountain.

2 years ago

I wanted strawberries.

It was a wonderful summer day on the water.

I’ve been staring at the body for 27 minutes.

How to raise a dog?

2 years ago

Something emotional with reference to history.
In “By the Desert” of Karl May, Hadschi Halef Omar begins with an angry conversion attempt to Islam.
This goes through history until Halef gradually becomes a Christian.

In “The Adventures of the Horatio Hornblower” the hero starts as a curved seasick something that is paddledled by two weatherproof women by a storm to a line ship.
This feeling of laziness, meaninglessness, sticks to him for a very long time and even after his heroic struggle against four line ships, he expects to be spoken guilty in the upcoming process, while he is already celebrated by the press as a new hero.

In “Alaska-Kid”, the hero starts to Klondike, where gold is found, just to escape his publisher. He is despised by his uncle because of his softness and by a woman famous in Alaska for his misfortune. So this story is not only about adventure, but also about a man and incarnation.

As a good start, I would be a accusation a la “You can never rely on you when it comes to it.”

Or a goal: “I bet that I will be promoted when I manage to get to the chief days, and I will succeed today.”

I think the reader then reads another two pages.

2 years ago

My advice: Let the introductory phrase go away and write the story first.

As an author you have to revise his work several times anyway. You can also write the end first or start in the middle.

2 years ago

You can sneak in the middle of the plot.


“I know that you drank milk from the refrigerator,” my little brother cries through the whole house when I just walk down the stairs.

That awakens interest of the reader and catches attention

After that you enter piece by piece on the content

2 years ago

I’m sorry, but if you think that someone who has absolutely no idea about this story can write the introduction to you, then I’ll see the rest rather black…

2 years ago
Reply to  EinTeeneGirl

What story?

2 years ago

It was a dark and hourly night.