Einkommenssteuer berechnen Betrag?

ich habe 14652 € als zu versteuerndes Einkommen. Ich gehe auf https://www.bmf-steuerrechner.de/eks…st-result=true

gebe dies ein, wähle alleinstehend, wähle Berechnungsjahr 2022 (Da ich in 2023 meine Steuererklärung für 2022 mache). Klicke auf berechnen.

=> Hier wird angegeben: Summe 804 Euro. Warum wird in den Bescheiddaten der Einkommenssteuer 858 € angegeben/berechnet?
Wie kommt man darauf?

=> Altersvorsorgezulage: 105 die meine festzusetzende Einkommenssteuer wieder erhöhen. Ich habe ne Riesterrente. Ich frage mich nun, wo dieser Betrag herkommt?

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1 year ago

Why is the payment data of the income tax € 858?

Because you have progressions. That’s why it says in your communication:

Taxation with progression maintenance according to § 32b EStG

How do you get that?

zVE + progression income yields tax rate x %

Control rate x % is applied to the zvE.

Pension provision allowance: 105 increase my fixed income tax. I have a Riesterrente. I wonder where this amount comes from?

Because the special deduction for your Riester harvest has a higher tax rate than the supplement. You can see this under the heading “tax reduction exceeding the pension provision” in the “fixes according to § 10a para. 4 EStG.

If the special deduction is more favourable, the amount of tax received must be reimbursed, § 10a para. 1 EStG.

1 year ago
Reply to  RedDevil1982

In the case of a previous year’s gross cover-up service of €25,000, 4% are to be paid into the Riester, i.e. €1,000; since you only paid 574€, you will be deducted from the full supplement with 175€…!?

1 year ago
Reply to  RedDevil1982

And how high was your Vohrjahr brouttover service, so in 2021?

1 year ago
Reply to  RedDevil1982

How much you need to deposit:

In a Riester contract, you pay 4 percent of your gross annual income each year. The previous year’s salary is always crucial. For example, if you earned 35,000 euros gross last year, you will have to deposit 1,400 euros in your Riester account in the new year.

1 year ago
Reply to  RedDevil1982

You know how to calculate it roughly?

You have to ask your Riester insurance in case of doubt. It has the concrete figures. Apparently you also had a cut in the supplement and only a claim of € 105 instead of € 175. This can happen, for example, if the minimum deposit has not been made.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, you still confuse the supplement year and the contribution year :-((

1 year ago

You’re wrong again – 4% Year-Bruttoverdienst!

1 year ago

How do they get to 105 euros?

See my answer:

You have to ask your Riester insurance in case of doubt. It has the concrete figures.

More concrete possible causes have been called Siola:

In a Riester contract, you pay 4 percent of your gross annual income each year. The previous year’s salary is always crucial.

For a deposit of 574 €, you should have earned a maximum of €14,350 a year before to get the full supplement. If you have earned more, the minimum deposit was not made and your allowance is reduced.

1 year ago

After the communication data, a longer text follows. Read it first. As a rule, there are indications if and why the tax office has changed somewhat differently from the tax return.

1 year ago

=> Old-age pension supplement: 105 increase my fixed income tax again. I have a Riesterrente. I wonder where this amount comes from?

This is what was paid to you as a supplement to your Riester account.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sophonisbe

No – this is the difference too much paid Riester supplement, as the FS did not pay the 4% of the previous year’s gross earnings into its Riester :-((

1 year ago

Perhaps due to income that is tax-free but subject to the prohibition.

1 year ago
Reply to  RedDevil1982

These are the compensation benefits such as al-money, parental allowance, sick pay, insolvency money, etc.