Eingeschweisstes vakuumieren?
Durch Vakuumieren mit einem Vakuumiergerät verlängert sich ja die mögliche Aufbewahrungszeit von z.B. Fleisch um einige Tage. Gilt das auch für im Supermarkt gekauftem Fleisch in diesen Klarsichtverpackungen, so dass sich auf das angegebene Haltbarkeitsdatum beim zuhause Vakuumieren noch mal etwas Haltbarkeitszeit addiert?
Probably the question no answer. As unfortunately almost always, however, it is much in detail more complicated.
What leads to the spoiling of meat at all and must therefore be prevented to extend the shelf life.
The professionally packed meat purchased in the supermarket is probably almost the optimum as raw material. It is packaged (if everything goes correctly) under hygienic conditions, which do not end up in an OP room.
The packaging is often provided with a protective atmosphere which prevents the penetration of unwanted germs and gases. At the moment you open this package in a durably clean kitchen, you’ve already made a worsening that you can’t undo again.
So if the meat is to be kept raw and only cooled, then leave it as it is.
Nonetheless, vacuuming at home still has its authorization.
No adds up because the goods just as you can not vacumulate under germ-free atmosphere.
no, only if you freeze it will extend the durability