Eingebaute Autobatterie laden?

Also ich habe folgendes Problem: Die Batterie meines Autos ist tot, der Schlüssel steckt und lässt sich nicht mehr rausnehmen. Ich kenne mich nicht aus und im Internet scheint jeder etwas anderes zu erzählen. Ich habe einen Audi A4 TFSI Bj 2008, die Batterie kann man ja laut Hersteller vom Motorraum aus laden. Weil ich den Schlüssel aber nicht ohne Elektronik rausnehmen kann, ist die Zündung eingeschaltet, sobald Strom drauf kommt. Die Zündung sollte ja aus sein aber in meinem Fall ist das etwas schwierig. Nimmt etwas am Auto Schaden wenn ich die Batterie bei eingeschalteter Zündung lade? Und was ich am Anfang meinte mit “jeder sagt etwas anderes” ist, dass die einen sagen, man dürfe die schwarze Klemme ja nicht am Minuspol befestigen, sondern an einem Metallteil der Karosserie. Wo besteht der Unterschied und wo gehört nun die schwarze Klemme hin? Ich habe heute schon eine Zeit lang geladen, es dann aber gelassen, nachdem ich alles Mögliche im Internet gelesen habe.

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2 years ago

ALSO is usually called ne Plus and ne minus comb.

I don’t know where the small A4 has put its starter battery, but if accessible in the engine compartment, then plus it and minus usually on the engine block or a separately identified minus point in the engine compartment
If there is no separate negative terminal, then the cable also simply hangs to the starter battery
Is there cars that are so installed that you have to expand the battery to get to the negative pole, so then the separate connection somewhere in the engine compartment

And if the ignition is on, just pull the key off and then the problem is behind you

2 years ago

Connect a cable to the battery and charge it. Recoding radio after that. It may also be that some errors must be deleted. They are also available with an empty battery.

2 years ago

you can easily connect a 12 volt charger to the battery. the advice of attaching the black minus cable to a metal part of the car is little helpful in this case, because this applies only to high-performance cable when starting aid, where up to 20 ampere flow.

a smaller charger will charge with much less ampere, however, so that the connection to the two battery terminals is the better away to also reduce losses due to connected in the network of the car.

you should also get you a professional advice in a vw/audi workshop, which is to be done in such a case. Why should the ignition lock block the key when the battery is empty and with which energy the blockade is made?

2 years ago

You can clearly charge them during ignition. Black to Mass/Cross and Plus to Red

The current flows in the car over the body, so is mass=body

2 years ago

if “electricity comes on”, the key should also be removable

2 years ago

The minus pole goes to the body because it is the mass. Just clamp the battery and charge it.