Input not possible after laptop start?
Hello everyone,
I recently upgraded to Windows 11 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T580. When I start the laptop, I can't type anything. However, if I use the Fn key to increase or decrease the brightness, it works. Everything only works again after uninstalling the keyboard driver and restarting. All updates are up to date. What else can I do?
Repeat your successful steps that worked 2 weeks. And pause windowsupdate for 4 weeks. A faulty driver comes in decisively via Windows. They’ll fix it by then
Okay, thanks. Get to test this
Unfortunately, this time too did not help
USB-A keyboard available?
No, unfortunately not. It’s all about writing just doesn’t work. I can make the buttons brighter and louder
See Settings/Input
The Fn button goes too. I can adjust the volume more brightly. So with the keys. It’s just not writing
No, unfortunately not.
Maybe it works with this
Okay, look what I find