Einfluss von Cannabis?
Hallo zusammen, seit 2 Jahren rauche ich fast wieder täglich. Hatte einen unschönen Schicksalschlag und jetzt komm ich nicht davon weg.
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich aber momentan nicht mehr “klar denken kann” und viel sensibler bin. Ich nehme mir alles zu Herzen, unwichtige Dinge bringen mich aus der Fassung oder ich fang direkt an zu weinen.
Sobald ich Abends dann jedoch rauche vergeht das und ich fühle “nichts”.
Hängt es damit zusammen, dass ich mich über die Nacht “gefühlstaub” rauche und erst am nächsten Tag alles verarbeite und dann eben 10x schlimmer? Ich kann es leider nicht einschätzen und hab früher sehr viel geraucht. Da war es jedoch nie auffällig.
Ich bin zwar ein sehr aufbrausender Mensch aber nie so, dass ich zum “Overthinker” wurde. Es ist wirklich schon so, dass sich mein Kopf richtige Filme zusammenspinnt.
Ich hab natürlich auch schon versucht aufzuhören.. aber ist nun mal leider nicht so leicht.
Danke schonmal für die Antworten.
Sounds stupid, but the addiction advice in Germany is really proportionally good. If you want to look over, you won’t be condemned or something in the direction.
Yes, it would be worth considering. Maybe I can do it with my therapist. I think if I’m really aware that I’m making it worse, the turning point comes with me!
Everything you describe here also applies to smokers and alcoholics, whenever they have consumed their drugs, they are better, it is the eternal cycle. And now it’s just your decision to break this cycle if you really want to get rid of the dirt, otherwise the way goes down for you and again you decide how far it should go down.
Yeah, that’s true. So it actually hangs with it and it’s time to get the ass up.
If you want to say that, right.
Take a break. This is always recommended when you consume daily.
If this is hard for you, it’s time to get in touch with professionals. Advice is confidential and free of charge.
“Consultation & Help for Drugs, Substance Use & Drug Risks”, https://mindzone.info/beratung/
Regardless of this, it may be worthwhile to clarify whether there may be an underlying problem.
“Help for mental problems: You can contact these places”, https://www.stiftung-gesundheitswissen.de/gesundes-leben/psyche-wohlbefind/hilfe-bei-psychischen-Probleme-these-stelle-koennen-sie-sich
Good luck!
I’ve been in therapy for a year. In the meantime, I got away well, but then I got the next one. Unfortunately, it is always so much easier to distract yourself from the pain you have in the meantime to process.
Unfortunately, this ease with which a joint can be smoked is an essential part of the problem.
Have you ever considered a self-help network? They talk to people affected. For example: https://narcotics-anonymous.de/
I wish you great success!
Maybe better! I’m optimistic to get all this back under control.
Well. It’s not anonymous without reason. I’d call at least once.
No, I would never trust that! Also be afraid to meet someone acquainted or the like, which is why I keep this very covered.
I advise you to be advised by specialists. The first step is always the most difficult and to answer your question, I think this is just a behavior that your body has appropriated. It’s like the cigarette that’s supposed to be a splash. Most people still think that a cigarette looks soothing. I hope I could help you and wish you good luck
Yeah, I’m on it! Just hoping to get out of here again and then everything else will be re-enrolled. It is annoying to find yourself strenuous.
Nice to hear :=)
With such an attitude you lie to yourself. Cannabis has no greater withdrawal potential than coffee, chocolate or tea. Listening to cigarettes (nicotine) is much harder.
In principle, cannabis has the ability to enhance positive and negative sensations, i.e. the oversensitivity is (cannabinoid) program.
No one should force themselves to do without cannabis completely if you still have fun buffing, but you should make yourself a sensible plan and adhere to certain consumption-time rules to not constantly fight with yourself and its consumption.