Einfache Sprache, oder poetische Sprache?

Was ist besser wenn man ein Buch schreiben will, also welcher Schreibstil? Kurze, einfache Sätze, einfache Begriffe die sehr genau sind? Oder mehr poetisch, fliessend, altbacken?

Mir persönlich gefällt diese einfache Sprache, und moderner Schreibstil nicht unbedingt. Aber ich nehme mal an bei modernen Leserschaften kommt das besser an?

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1 month ago

The style of writing must fit into history and be authentic.

The atmosphere should get over well. Shorter sentences create tension and sign a lot of action. But the characters should be well described, strong and convincing.

Finally, the quality is expressed about the language.

1 month ago

Of course, that’s all about the book. In some books, swollen, or poetic language fits. As mentioned before, it comes to the book, what you want to write and reach.

For example, if it is to become a historical novel: a swollen/ poetic language can be very good. Especially when history plays in a long past era. It will also contribute to the fact that the reader can also translate into the past and at the same time can build a sense of thought for the time being.

Also in certain genres, the “higher” literature: in works dealing with philosophical themes or existential questions, a poetic language could develop a deeper level of meaning.

But it also happens that more concise language is better suited in other books: for example, for dialogues and monologues or descriptions. For many books it is a lot better if the text is kept short and easy to use effectively. This is very helpful when you want to create a living picture in the reader’s mind.

Especially for short stories, science fiction, thrillers and thrillers, more concise language is still best suited. There are also more genres.

Some advantages of concise language are, for example, the atmosphere, authenticity or the pace.

In poetic language, I would say that, for example, the emotional effect, ambiguity and interpretation space, originality or aesthetics and beauty can be particularly beneficial. Before all this, therefore, the poetic language has something very unique in itself, as well as the many dialects in the German language space or the German language itself.

However, if two different dialects meet each other, this can become a bit tricky and also difficult, especially in communication. So it is also with the writing styles when the text is long and little to the point, so that history could definitely lose its tension.

That’s why simple language is always best if you want to convey something quickly and easily to create a clear, lively picture. With shortness, clarity and directness.

1 month ago

In a story about the Second World War, it does not fit.

1 month ago

I find a poetic writing stalk sounds very beautiful and can also fit in some scenes (for example, to make a scene more exciting or more dramatic), but I would not write the whole book in this way, as it is more exhausting to read